

Hello! How are you? How has your week been?

I've been seeing fall leaves and I'm rejoicing in seeing the signs of fall. You and I both know that the falling leaves are from a lack of rain, but I don't care - It's so exciting to see them and I'm going with the eagerness of what is coming.  I hope you will join me. 

This past week I've been thinking about gratitude in everything I can do. I walk with Frodo, I eat some great salads, I'm enjoying my knitting etc. Having a stance of gratefulness makes for a most wonderful day.

I have a gratitude notebook where I write down what I am grateful for and why. This morning's entry was all about being grateful for hearing the local high school band practicing outside in the distance from my back yard. Both of my kids were in band and I spent endless hours shuffling them to and from the football field for practice in the summer. I am so lucky to live here and hear them practice.

What are you grateful for today?


  1. I am hoping this dratted humidity eases soon... and I am really trying not to wish Fall here too soon!

  2. I drove by a young tree the other day and the whole top was an orange color!! Fall is coming and I will join you in eager anticipation! Not trying to wish my life away...just so sick and tired of humidity and heat!

  3. What a lovely post! I am with you on the excitement of Fall. Even though it happens every year it's always so exciting to see the leaves start to change. I can hardly wait! I also love hearing school bands play. My son will be a senior this year. He's been in band since the 5th grade, so that sounds hold a special place in my heart too. I know I will miss it someday. Today I am grateful to be working from home, in my comfy clothes, with a cup tea, and the AC blasting because it's still so hot outside. Have a wonderful weekend! :)

  4. I'm thankful for the wonderful rain that we had last night and this morning!

  5. Lovely idea, to write such a thing each day ( I've tried once, but ended up writing the same stuff almost everyday - how is that for you ? ). Today I am grateful that my senior cat ( 14 ) still shows appetite, even though she's sneezing now and then..

    1. I definitely repeat myself, but I find it soothing that I go back to the same gratitudes!

  6. I am not a fan of humidity but I love summer and always feel a sadness when the end of August rolls around.

  7. We've had a considerable amount of rain here, but cooler weather all week, 60s, even 59° f one morning, and I've seen leaves on the ground, too! Our apples are ripening up and I just chopped up a bunch to make something sweet. I wish for a bit more summer.


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