

How was your weekend?

Both Saturday and Sunday were relaxing and chill. I worked on the above sock each evening while during the day I worked on my sweater. Nothing super exciting happened over the weekend. That makes it the perfect weekend for me!!

The weather was so humid and warm that it was challenging for me to feel my very best. This week is going to be hot and I need to accept that summer is here to stay. That doesn't stop me from wishing for fall to arrive though. 

Below is a beautiful photo of Holly looking so pretty. She is an elusive cat, but sometimes she sits and poses for a photo. Yesterday was one of those days.

How was your weekend?


  1. I appreciated the bits of rain we got! And the flurry of Hummingbirds that are in love with my butterfly bush this year!

  2. It almost looks like you chose your rug in the perfect color for Holly to pose on. That is a lovely photo!

  3. Holly looks so regal at times. She sure is a pretty kitty. I've done a little knitting, but the heat has bothered me. Our days should cool down by mid-week, but will be filled with rain, so humidity will still be high. Oh well - welcome to August!!

  4. So fun to see a picture of Holly! She's so pretty...and I love your carpet! The sock is coming along nicely. I understand about the heat and humidity and how it makes you feel. You are in my prayers, Karen. xx

  5. Love how Holly matches the carpet. Great socks!

  6. Sounds like a wonderful weekend to me! Holly sure is "maturing"... Cooler temps are headed our way later this week. Hopefully they make their way to you. I really need to get serious about socks! My blanket is a long term project so I need to have something smaller going too. Hope you stay cool and feel better!

  7. I finished a sweater this weekend - the Olympics has been very good for my knitting!

  8. Holly looks so comfy - and that is a beautiful rug she is on! I love the color of the socks you are knitting. Glad you had a nice, relaxing weekend! See you again soon!

  9. Holly is beautiful kitty and the socks are such nice colors. Pretty yarn. The weather was hot hot this weekend so my walks were short. I spent most of my time indoors with ice water or iced ginger tea and a book or a project. Saturday afternoon I did make a batch of tomato sauce from garden tomatoes. Six pints in the freezer.

  10. Humidity really sucks the life out the day, in my opinion. I hope you can wade through it alright.

  11. Humid here as well. Holly is beautiful!


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