

How was your weekend?

Mine was pretty good over all. The weather has been beautiful! Low humidity, sunny skies, mid 70's equals a picture-perfect outdoor weekend. Both Saturday and Sunday I walked longer than usual taking advantage of the weather. If summer was like this all the time, I would not wish it away like I usually do.

As you can see, I am on the second sock and loving the free and easy knitting. I did some marathon reading of The Princess Bride. I am quite amused by the book and I recommend it! We didn't do much of anything this weekend - we talked about boring stuff like lawn care (dirt patches from the lack of rain) while sitting on the back patio. 

How was your weekend?


  1. It was a really glorious weekend, that is for sure! I did some art journaling as well! I love your tree!

  2. The weather certainly has taken a turn for the better here and I hope it lasts for a while! I loved The Princess Bride, both the book and the movie were great.

  3. Believe I saw the movie, but did not read the book (unusual for me). Love the quote in your journal as well as your tree. The weekend felt glorious!

  4. We wrapped up a week in York Maine at the beach. While it was so much fun to spend the week with some of my adults kids and three of my four grandchildren, I am having the worst RA Flare and it is hurting to move much.......I walked TOO much and over did it with the stairs etc. I am paying for it now.......

    1. I tend to flare while traveling! That's how you know you had a good time, lol. I hope you feel better soon!!

  5. Sounds like a the same wonderful weather we had here in mid missouri. Can't believe it is August weather. I assessed my landscape needs this weekend.

  6. Your weather sounds perfect. Still 100+ here and humidity us high. Spent our weekend with family in Saturday. Sunday was Mass and doing food prep for the week. We also watched a couple of movies.

  7. I actually thought about you with these beautiful autumn like days we've been having. I love to go outside and just breathe deep to take in the cooler air and enjoy the gentle breezes. Boring conversations...we have those here too. :)

  8. It dropped below 70 degrees this morning and I baked! I'm so looking forward to fall!

  9. Glad you had a nice, relaxing weekend. We had some rain here this afternoon, so our temps dropped and it feels so good! I love that quote at the end - one of my favorites and so true. I hope you have a good week.

  10. Nice weather here over the weekend. VERY encouraging :-).

  11. The Princess Bride....that sounds interesting. I have never read the book but think I will check it out. Hooray for a lovely weekend:)

  12. It finally cooled off here, and now if only it would rain. We haven't had any since May! What sock pattern are you using?

  13. I have never read the Princess Bride.. the movie was quite amusing.. I can only imagine how fun the book might be. The weather is so beautiful these days.


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