

How was your weekend?

Mine was wonderful and relaxing. Even though it is feeling like summer (hot), it looks like fall when I sit on the back patio. I'm enjoyed being out there immensely. Of course once it gets too hot, I scurry back inside to the air conditioning to cool off.

Both Saturday and Sunday I spent time outside with my knitting, reading or daydreaming. We had no big plans except for attending Mass on Sunday morning. I spent the whole weekend doing laundry and I'm officially back to my ordinary laundry schedule. Phew!

On Saturday I deep cleaned the house and then basked it its loveliness. Yesterday on a whim I went to a local yarn store to buy some yarn for the grandkids' holiday sweaters. That was fun and what made it more fun is that my sister went with me. Sister outings are the best.


  1. I am having bittersweet feelings about this flow from summer to fall. What fun though to knit new sweaters for your grands! :)

  2. Our weekend was lovely too. And our days have not been too hot. I can't even remember the last time we had the AC on!! Looking forward to seeing your holiday knitting for the grandchildren!!

  3. Your view from where you knit is lovely.

  4. A trip to a yarn shop sounds lovely. I miss my LYS. A nice quiet weekend sounds like it was exactly what you needed.

  5. Sounds like another great weekend! I spent mine planting 1 of 8 shrubs... Ground is too hard right now. Reading but not much knitting this weekend. I love yarn shopping almost more than knitting! LOL!

  6. I know so many who LOVE to shop for yarn...I actually enjoy going with them just for the enthusiasm!!:) Enjoy your week ahead. Your spot outside is just lovely for afternoons with "no big plans"!!:)


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