

Good morning! How are you all doing on this fine Monday?

Finally after weeks of no rain, we are in a rainy season. Yesterday we took a long walk in the drizzle while taking in the signs of fall. We were a little wet but it was worth the fresh air.

We visited his mother earlier this week and yet again, I have no photos to share. However, once I was home I was back at the documenting my life. Whenever we are visiting people we eat out a lot and so when I get home I need to get back to healthy eating and living.

There is nothing like a fresh salad except a fresh salad made by someone else. Also when we got back home I started to feed the birds with the 'winter' feeder. Word was spread within the hour and I had my birds back. I love them so. Also my hydrangea bush is heading into the fall season beautifully.

Saturday morning I ran a bunch of errands and did some returning at a few stores. Once I was home, I wrote down a quote I stumbled across, then did some knitting. I'm working on Christmas ornaments instead of the gnomes this year. So far my hands and wrists are happy about the change. I hope to share more soon about them.

Sunday we attended Mass, walked in drizzle and I did the laundry as well as the minor cleaning that needed to be done. I am so happy to be home and back to my regular life!

How was your weekend?


  1. I was optimist last week when we had a wonderful thunderstorm... but we are back to hot dry weather again... in the 100s this week. I long for cooler temperatures and at least a little drizzle.
    Your photos give a wonderful Autumn feel... hydrangeas are pretty even when they are drying out.
    I look forward to seeing your finished project.. I love that green colour
    Have a great week
    Phoebe x

  2. I welcomed the rain as well. And I finished those "least favorite things" from my to-do list!

  3. Oh yum! Your salad looks delicious. We are soggy here in Eastern PA -- everything feels clammy, but we have desperately needed the rain...I am not complaining...I would just rather have a good downpour than day after day after day of grey and damp weather!

  4. Your watercolor pumpkins are so cute.

    It's nice to go visiting, but like Dorothy said, "there's no place like home".

  5. Yes, we had some much needed rain as well. I tend to forget to take pictures in the moment as well. Hope you have a wonderful relaxing fall week! :)

  6. Rain has eluded us again, this monsoon season. Fall seems to be hiding elsewhere too. We had a lovely family gathering Sunday. Lots of laughter to go around.

  7. I'm sure your mother -in-law appreciated your visit. That salad looks delicious!

    Birds are such a joy to watch.

    Your weekend sounds lovely. xx

  8. We had some rain, but it is dry again. Our walks have been curtailed by the extreme amount of gnats that are hatching lately. I had light colored jeans on the other day and came home with polka dot gnats all over me. Yuck! Your salad looks yummy. I like the colors of the yarn that you are using.

  9. As the primary cook in the house I am overjoyed to eat a meal not cooked by myself. We too have had a rainy weekend. I am not a fan. Your salad looks yum and those yarm colors are so beautiful.

  10. We have had rain for the best part of a week now, on and off. Happy to share some if you would like it! A lovely post filled with all those lovely homely things that make life tick along. Intrigued by your knitting ;)


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