Autumn Days


Since we arrived home on Tuesday, I've been marveling at the fall foliage trying to memorize the colors and pocket them for future reference. Each day gets better and better. Yesterday after a lunch out with family, we drove through the park just to take in the colors. October truly is a beautiful month. 

I'm so glad to be home and back into my ordinary days. I have the week off from classes before the second session starts up next week. I'm still busy around here though. My sister is having a craft show and I go over to help her (I do not do much, but it's fun to be together and see family and friends). I've been pouring over cookbooks coming up with some new recipes. 

My heart monitor results were normal, so that's a relief! I'm not sure why I had to do that test but it's done and now I can forget about doctors for a while. (fingers crossed). The less I see of them the happier I am.

There's something about autumn and my creativity blossoming. I seem to reach a low point in the summer where I don't want to do much of anything. I'll blame it on the heat and humidity. Once there is a chill in the air, I'm enthusiastic and want to knit all the things, create spreads in my art journal and make many lists of all I want to explore. I'm grateful for the ebbs and flows of life. 

I continue to read Wuthering Heights and get so invested in the drama. No matter how many times I read it, I get something new out of it. That, to me, makes for a great novel. I'm still working on my granddaughter's sweater and a hat for me, while thinking of the next great cast on. I haven't decided yet but I do love the daydreaming part of knitting.


  1. I love these days! My neighbor has a maple tree I can see from my kitchen window... it is so gorgeous it makes washing dishes a delight! Have a great weekend!

  2. I wish we had colorful leaves but it's been so dry that most of ours are just brown and dried up. But it's lovely to see yours!

  3. I think October is my favorite month of the year...not sure why, other than all of the beautiful colors that surround us during that month. The tree in your first picture is beautiful!

  4. What beautiful colors! I love fall. Glad you are back to your normal routine... I totally understand. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  5. I haven’t read Wuthering Heights since college - hmmmm 😉. I am considering some gift knitting and will do som sorting and planning this weekend. Happy your heart test was normal.

  6. Gorgeous fall colors.Hooray for normal heart test. This is the season to cast on all the things.

  7. We only have a few tree's in the neighborhood that change colors but I love when they do. Your pictures are great.

  8. I am so glad to hear that the heart monitor test was normal. I like the daydreaming part of knitting sweaters more than the actual knitting. I can do hats and scarves without a problem. I love the fall colors you shared.

  9. I agree that fall (and the freshness as well as the beauty of it) really spurs the creative side in me. That side is not huge and needs a good stirring every once in awhile - but I enjoy trying to be a bit more creative in these last months of the year!!

  10. Hi Karen. So glad that your heart monitoring test went well. I had to do that a couple of years ago, and it was a pain and I was glad to be done with it. Ordinary days are the best days. The craft fair sounds fun. Enjoy this final weekend of October! See you again soon!

  11. Hoorray for autumn colours indeed !

  12. The fall pictures are beautiful. It's been a beautiful week here also. Loved the pictures of the family time this week...and I spied a pretty pink blanket in the picture!


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