October Bliss


And just like that, October shows up and gives us a breath of fresh air and a chance to wear woolens. How are you? How has your week been? I have been basking in this beautiful fall weather. Might I add chilly as well. My morning walks are quite brisk but a wonderful kind of brisk. Probably next week we will be peak fall colors. Maybe! I love being cold so I am happy and content.

This week I finished a lot of my first session non-classes, phew! I signed up for a lot and I enjoyed the classes but I did not like how busy I was and how I forgot about  weekly grocery shopping. Silly! The next two weeks will be a much more manageable schedule for me and then I will start the second session of fall classes. My schedule will be easier, I won't have to gobble up a lunch in between two classes and I will have opportunities to grocery shop in the mornings once more. 

Besides loving this weather, I've been working on my grandson's holiday sweater which is coming along nicely. Still reading the same books and enjoying them. I read a bit each day of Wuthering Heights and in the evenings I read a chapter or so of Master Slave Husband Wife. 


  1. You might have been busy, but I bet you are learning lots of things!

  2. Nice yarn color for your grandson's sweater. It's been coolish here too - 38 degrees this morning! And, we saw a tiny bit of the Northern Lights last night!!

  3. I don't think I could take classes now. There are so many things that I want to do that I can't get enough out...knitting and reading! LOL!
    I love that green color you have chosen. Can' wait to see more.
    I'm enjoying this fall weather too. It's nice to sit outside and knit or read without sweating to death. We are supposed to dip down below freezing a couple nights this next week.
    I hope you have a great weekend doing all the things you love!

  4. It's not cold enough here in Vegas yet but the mornings are cooling down a little.

  5. The glassware is stunning! Is it an antique? I have some from my great-great Aunt. Or just great. I am not sure, but they are Tiffin and about 100 years old.

  6. I've never read Wuthering Heights ... it's definitely a Love/Hate book, isn't it?

  7. I sometimes wonder if I want to take some classes, but I know that I really don't want to have a schedule any more. Your knitting is looking great. That is such a warm green color. Enjoy your reading and your break from classes.

  8. What a pretty color of yarn for a Christmas sweater. I bet you are knitting love into every stitch.

  9. Brave of you to go back to taking classes. I don't think I could manage. That's a lovely shade of green.


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