

Good morning! How was your weekend?

I have been drinking up this weather!! The leaves are falling and the air is cool, maybe just maybe fall is here to stay. My fingers are crossed.

Mine was very boring overall. I spent most of my knitting time on the second sock and yet it still isn't completed yet. Yesterday I was on the computer for over two hours creating calendars for some family members for the holidays. I was so glad when I finished it!

Miss Holly is ruling her universe as Queen Bee. She is shy and will be a shy one but I can hope she will sit by me one day. She does sit with my husband late at night and looks at him adoringly. Grr.

Thanks for the kind words about Frodo, we miss him (he was the best dog ever!) but for now we will be a cat-only house just to give Holly the love and attention she was denied when Frodo was master of the universe. 

I started a sweater for my grandson for Christmas but haven't worked on it for about a week. I hope to return to the project and give it some love.


  1. I am enjoying the weather as well. While our leaves are falling there hasn't been a lot of color changing yet.

  2. I love hearing about your boring weekends! LOL!!! They are so my kind of weekend. Miss Holly looks like she has become very comfortable... I'm sure she misses Frodo too.
    Looking forward to seeing the sweater for your grandson. Happy knitting and have a great week!

  3. Are you making photo calendars? I was just pondering this idea and would love to hear how you make your calendars.

  4. A nice boring weekend is perfect. We had the same kind at our house. Holly looks quite comfy just laying in the middle of the floor. Does she also seek out sunbeams to lay in? My cats and dogs all seemed love a good sunbeam.

  5. This weather is so welcome! Your weekend sounds delightful! Here is to a great week!

  6. I am with you - boring weekends are the BEST!! I enjoy doing things, but really I prefer to be home rather than on the go. Holly is such a beautiful cat - it is nice to let her be the Queen Bee for a little while.

  7. Your kitty is a beautiful one! Ours is black and she is not a very nice one. Only on her terms will she be nice to me. She is most definitely my husband's cat. On the positive side, she doesn't touch my yarn or projects so that is good because they are all over the house. Can't sit down anywhere without my knitting.

  8. You sounds so happy Karen, so glad to hear the weather is cooling to that point that is has become more manageable.

  9. We are still experiencing summer weather here, but the cooler weather is coming later this week and I am ready.

  10. Give me a boring weekend any time - right? Your mums are so pretty. I am glad someone is experiencing some true October weather. Saturday was miserable here - 95 degrees and so windy. Sunday was much more pleasant. But once again the week will warm up. I made soup and bread last night and pretended it was really fall.

  11. Boring weekends are the only weekends I want these days. The colour on those mums is stunning! I love that golden colour. I've been offline for some time and didn't know about Frodo until today. Losing them is such terrible heartache, those little wee angels. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  12. I love boring weekends ! And those flowers ! They are beautiful ! How sweet to let Holly be the queen bee for now, I'm sure it will be appreciated. Maybe you could warm her up to you more with playtime ? Like with the kind of play wands, and after the playsession offer her a treat from your hand ?


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