

Hello, how are you? I'm doing pretty good, trying my best to keep busy and fill my days with the last bits of warm weather activities while anticipating the cold weather activities. Although later this week the temperature will be back into the low 70s, the next few days will be chilly. I love when fall breezes in and ebbs back out. Each time we are closer and closer to colder weather.

My husband and I walked the local park over the weekend, I wanted to see the trees changing before they are past peak. As you can see, we are still early for peak colors. We were lucky because they closed the road down for some tree maintenance and that eliminated car traffic (yay!). We had a beautiful walk.

Holly continues to be brave and bold since Frodo left us in August. She still checks his spot on the loveseat but doesn't look terrified when she does. Her progress has been steady. I love when she drinks from his water bowl which we have kept out for her. Gah!! 

Over the weekend, I was knee deep in winding skeins of yarn by hand. For some reason my swift and winder aren't behaving upstairs, so I've resorted to winding yarn the old school way. I find it soothing and relaxing. I did three different skeins yesterday and of course I had one skein that was difficult. There is always one that is tangled from the beginning...

Besides winding yarn, I did a lot of knitting. In the summer I go into a knitting lull but when the leaves start changing, I am motivated to knit all the things. The yarn in the photo below is for my granddaughter's holiday sweater.

How was your weekend?


  1. Holly looks like she wants to pounce on your yarn winding! That is a beautiful color. I look forward to seeing what you will knit with this.

  2. What a beautiful color for your granddaughter's sweater. Holly is so beautiful (and brave!!). I've been seeing gorgeous colors on some of our trees in the area and now we are in for a chilly spell. I'm headed to the beach and I cannot wait!!

  3. I like winding yarn by hand; I can identify any joins or knots and I find it meditative. Also, I'm too cheap to buy a swift and yarn winder.

  4. Winding yarn by hand is something I love to do on a car ride or when watching things like football on tv. I only want to work on projects if my yarn is wound because I don't want to come across knots and yarn clumps by knitting from any skeins if I use a skein.

    We went of a beautiful walk with our granddaughters and son and daughter in law with their two golden retrievers when we were visiting this past weekend in Vermont. It was so beautiful and I wish we had something close to me like it.

  5. Holly is slowly claiming her spot as the Queen. I remember the gorgeous colors of fall in PA. I do miss that as well as the springtime blooming of all the lovely trees and flowers. What sweater will you be making for the wee one?

  6. awww, sweet Holly... I think our leaf peak is not going to happen due to lack of rain in our area. We will go from green to brown rather quickly.
    you must have the patience of a saint! Every time I have had to wind skeins of yarn they are a tangled mess. Not one of my favorite parts of knitting. It's a beautiful color you have chosen for your grand daughter's sweater. Looking forward to seeing it. :) I hope you have an enjoyable week.

  7. Beautiful walk! Sounds like you had some nice fall weather. I love that picture of Holly. Hope you have a good week. See you again soon!

  8. Holly is such a beautiful cat. I'm sure it's been interesting to watch her becoming more and more brave since Frodo is no longer there.

    I love the color of the yarn for your granddaughter's holiday sweater. I need to go through my patterns and choose one so I can purchase the yarn and have something to pick up in the evenings. I'm in the mood to do some shawl crocheting.

  9. Holly is quite the lady. It's interesting that she still checks for Frodo. If only she could talk, what would she tell you? I love to wind yarn by hand. My grandmother taught me how to do that and I have the little desk chair we used at her house. I think of it as getting to know the yarn.

  10. Ah yes the weather is the same here, but the leaves are no where near peak yet. I love fall. Holly is adorable and sorry you lost Frodo. I hop you knit some fun things I don't knit but I learned a lot about when I worked at Vogue Knitting.

    Allie of


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