

Good morning! How was your weekend?

Oh mine was deliciously cold, brr. Sadly there will be another warm up this week but hopefully that warm up will be brief. I've been loving this chilly weather and the colors changing on the leaves. 

My sister had a craft show over the weekend and I helped out (moral support really). I thoroughly enjoyed seeing family, friends and meeting some of my sister's friends. I had a good time and of course got a lot of knitting done. 

I've been spending lots of time knitting my granddaughter' sweater - I have to dig around and find the perfect buttons today. 

I noodled around Ravelry some more looking for a new project to cast on. Maybe a shawl? I just don't know what I want to knit. But I guarantee you I will be knitting something!

How was your weekend?


  1. What a sweet sweater. I have been thinking about knitting a shawl too but my needles are pretty full right now.

  2. These warm-ups are kind of strange and disconcerting but I haven't yet figured out how to control the weather. Your granddaughter's sweater is a lovely match of pattern and yarn and looks great!

  3. This "warm up" is about where I like the temps to be... low 80's. LOL! I'm not a winter person.
    I see your granddaughter's sweater is coming along nicely. My blankets are slowly progressing. I try to work in them both equally. Crochet just goes a lot faster for me than knitting. I'm so afraid of dropping a stitch and not being able to fix it so I go a little slower.
    So glad you had a good day with your Sis! Fun times! :) Hope you have a great week and enjoy this last of October.

  4. Glad your weekend was a nice one. Mine was too. Your granddaughter's little sweater looks darling! We are expecting the warm up here as well. And now a burn ban is in effect, so no fires in the pit for us.

  5. The sweater is so sweet. What crafts does your sister do? We are supposed to drop into fall this week. Finally! A new project will be on my crochet hook today. Never mind that I have 2 other projects on my knitting needles lol.

  6. The color of yarn in your granddaughter's sweater is gorgeous! I'm glad you had a good time helping your sister with the craft show over the weekend. It's so good to get out among others and meet new people.

  7. That is a wise tea bag. We had three days in the 80's last week and I was not happy. I don't mind the summer but my mind is firmly planted in fall now so a sweltering hot day is no longer acceptable.

  8. It's going to be warm today but then it's supposed to cool down. Hopefully this is the last warm day for a few months.

  9. I love the color of that sweater!! Glad you are enjoying the cool weather. There is something (including season, right?) for everyone. Said my warm weather loving soul:)

  10. Your weekend looks/sounds great - very fall-like! We watched a lacrosse game (which doesn't feel fall-like at all, except that it was a chilly morning) and had snacks for dinner which isn't fall, but definitely Saturday. Have a great week!

  11. What a darling pattern for your granddaughter. I'm hoping the cooler weather comes to stay soon.

  12. What pretty orange next to your red door, the pumpkins + yellow leaves, crisp blue sky + tea = cozy fall!

    1. That's me. Sorry! And yes, same here, supposed to be in the 70s tomorrow, but 30s at night.

  13. Weather has been so odd for your area of late but hopefully cooler weather is on its way again. Love the reflection in your door.


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