Weekends and Knitting News


Good morning! How are you? This weekend was one of the best weekends ever because we got snow and it was unpredicted which made it all the more special. I even took a walk during the squalls but decided to cut the walk short. Brr.

Besides wintry weather, I am proud to announce I am ready for Christmas. We are going over to my sister's house for Christmas Eve dinner and do our exchanging with her family. It will be fun. Christmas day is just the two of us at home, plus lots of phone calls to family far away. 

My son and his family arrive on Saturday for a whole week visit. I am excited about that. I am not ready for that, but I will be. (lists are my friend)

The above photo is the morning moon winking at me.

The very first photo is the odyssey shawl I started before my car trip. I have ripped this back twice because I keep forgetting the pattern and keep knitting thinking I know the pattern. 

I finished my husband's musselburgh hat, this will be in his Christmas Stocking. I am planning on starting another one for me on Christmas morning! (I am addicted to this pattern)

Below are the simple pair of mitts for me. I knit these riding in the car to and from West Lafayette, Indiana.  I have more yarn left over and might make a headband, maybe.

I will be enjoying the Christmas holiday and will be back here on Friday to post again (so no post on Wednesday). May you have a wonderful Christmas for all whole celebrate! 

Are you ready for the holidays? Do you have any special projects you are starting on Christmas day?


  1. You are ready! I like your moon and snow photos, and I'm glad you got your husband's Musselburgh done. We've got 5 degrees here this morning so I may be wearing my Musselburgh if I go out. Ithink I'm ready; I just to have to make a cheesecake today and crescent rolls tomorrow. Then it's just knitting and trying to stay warm. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

  2. Merry Christmas!

    I am making fruit cake with my mother-in-law today, boys and hubby are coming too. I am looking forward to it!

  3. Beautiful knitting! Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!

  4. A blessed Christmas to you and yours.

  5. I love the moon and the snowy photo. We have no snow and relatively mild December weather. Hooray for the finished hat and mittens. May the shawl be smooth sailing from here. I am ready for a rather quiet Christmas here. Tomorrow we are meeting my husband's brother and his family for lunch and then later in the day we will go to church. I have no special knitting plans for Christmas day but will continue working on socks and sweater.

  6. A restful Christmas sounds wonderful. Enjoy!

  7. Have a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy the time with your family and make many good memories. See you in the New Year!

  8. I'm glad you feel ready. I love the hat and the mittens.
    Our Christmas will be pretty mellow, but I like that.
    Have a great Christmas!

  9. I am so glad that you are ready! The snow over the weekend was just so fun! (but that bitter cold... maybe not so much, lol) Have a fantastic Christmas!


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