Around Here


Good morning! Today our weather is starting to warm up. Yesterday I took a walk after three days of not being outside due to the frigid weather. I was cold, but it was so nice to be outside and get some fresh air. Since I was homebound, I've been doing lots of reading, knitting and some journaling.

I finished reading Conjure Women, which I highly recommend. I was captured by the plot immediately. Now I will start reading, The Wonder Garden. I cannot remember where I bought this book and I have no idea what is about as of yet. 

This past Wednesday we had no water in the evening for about five hours due to a water main break on our street. I felt empathetic towards the people working in the frigid temperatures to bring back the water. I tried to not be too annoyed by the inconvenience. But I am now living in a state of gratitude for running water.

Another book I am starting today is Digital Minimalism with the hopes of downsizing my time online. I have drastically cut down my online consumption but there is always room for improvement!

Stay warm my friends! 


  1. Oh ugh on the water break! I am glad it was only for a short time! This morning was almost balmy as I walked Frankie at 6AM! And the snow was still crunchy under my feet... I love that sound! Have a great weekend!

  2. The people working to repair the water main breaks thank you! My younger son worked 17 hrs. on Monday in 5 degrees fixing a water main break at work. It was a dangerous and frigid job as they had to first get to the break, which was located under some underground high voltage lines. It's no fun to be without water but it's also not much fun facing terrible conditions to fix things.

  3. I'm glad to hear that your water was restored.

  4. I'm glad your water supply has been restored, there's nothing worse than power or water loss. Your journaling all looks nice and relaxing. Enjoy your knitting and have a lovely weekend x

  5. Karen, thank you for sharing the two quotes from your journal ...I've copied them both because they remind me of my word "resilience".

    And I also love the other two pages of your journal.

    I've cut my time online drastically, too. As you say, there's always room for improvement.

  6. Because of your recommendation, I picked up Conjure Women at the library yesterday. I'm in the midst of one book, but looking forward to starting that one. Glad your water was restored relatively quickly. And, nice to hear you got out walking again today. I thought about it, but errands and other things got in my way.

  7. Oh dear. Being without water is no fun. When that happened here, it made me realize, once more, how much I take for granted. I'm glad you could get out in the fresh air. It does make a difference. Your knitting is pretty too.

  8. We had a water break in the street outside our house recently. You don't appreciate the water until it is gone a few hours. Thankfully it wasn't too long. It is still too cold here for me to be comfortable walking outdoors. I do miss it. Have a great week!

  9. It's finally warming up here ... which is good because Lucy has been wearing her only sweater nonstop for about a week - it desperately needs a wash! Love those peeks into your journal!

  10. It's been bitter cold here in Western NY this week. I crave a walk outside in the fresh air, but I'm too afraid to slip on the ice again. I have a little walking pad for inside and I use it, but it's not the same as being outside. Your knitting looks great. I love the color of your sweater.


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