Knitting and Toys


Hello! It's been some time hasn't it? My family is still here visiting but it's nap time and I'm quickly making this post a priority because when my family leaves on Saturday morning I will be putting away Christmas decorations and then I will need to recover physically from that. I hope to be back at this space sometime next week.

I'm having a great time with the grandchildren, lots of playing (and crying, ha ha). We went to the museum the other day to look at the dinosaurs and that was a ton of fun. What wasn't fun is that my son arrived with some kind of stomach bug but luckily no one else got it from him. That is the Christmas miracle that warms my heart. 

I still have my arthritis flare, I think it will stay with me until they leave and I can completely rest for three days. It's mostly my hands and wrists. It's not from knitting since I am barely knitting.

The above project is a hat that is almost finished! I will start decreasing soon. I want it to be a little slouchy. I am winging it with my made up pattern from my head. I love the striping!

Below is another musselburgh hat that I started on Christmas day. This is my completely mindless project. Once my company leaves, I am eager to get back into all of my knitting! 

Apparently I am in a hat knitting mood. It's a wonderful mood to be in!!


  1. That looks like so much fun! I love the striped hat. Hat knitting is indeed a wonderful mood to be in!

  2. I need to put my Christmas decorations away soon too.

  3. Lovely to catch up with your news and to see your knitting projects. I hope you enjoy some rest soon. Take care x

  4. Love this evidence of your life right now. I’m not looking forward to taking down Christmas, especially all the twinkle lights. They are so lovely on these dark mornings.

  5. I love this little "fly by" post, Karen! Yay for all those toys! I hope you find the rest you need and soon though! Happy New Year!

  6. I think Stephen had most of those toys when he was a little one. Classics remain! BUT, the thing I noticed first? The cat coaster. We have two of those too!

    Hope you are feeling better soon.

  7. I do love the stripping on your hat! I hope your flare up calms down quickly. My granddaughter is a handful at 18 months. I really can't wait for her to start talking. I may regret that but that's where I am today! LOL! Hope you enjoy the last of your visit.

  8. I am about to start a hat too! It takes a while to recover from the family visits, but they are so chaotic and fun. I am so glad no one caught your son's bug. Happy New Year!

  9. Your hat mood is a very good thing. Take it easy as you set the house back in order. Stay well.

  10. Love the toys, and I bet the kids do too. Your hats are so fun...the stripes! I hope you can relax this week and relish in the memories that were created this week.


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