Snow Days


Good morning! How are you doing?

We have been having all the snow this week. Yesterday it snowed so much that my class was canceled and I felt like a teenager getting a snow day. I made good use of my time by reading and knitting. I love my bird feeder and my birds so much. They delight me every single time I look out the kitchen window. 

A few times this week I shoveled the front walk and a path to the back deck to get to the bird feeder and found out that this shoveling movement irritates my and and wrist arthritis. So now I am resting my hands again and letting the flare up calm down. At least I pinpointed the activity! I am grateful that I can still knit.

I've been reading a book, Conjure Women, and it is really good. I picked up this copy when I was visiting Boston a year or so ago. One of my loose goals is to read the books I own and donate the ones I've read and don't want to keep out of this house. I have about 100 books to go through. Most of them were bought second hand on a whim.

I have my own private library!

I'd like to believe I will knit through my yarn stash, but that is probably not going to happen. When I knit for the grandkids, I want super wash wool and I do not own much of that. However, shopping the stash first is a good idea.

My current gratitudes are: family and friends - lunch out with my husband - the kindness of others - leftovers for dinner - all the knitting and reading that January is giving me!

What are you gratitudes?


  1. Beautiful snow pictures! Glad you found out what caused your flare ups.

  2. No more shoveling!!! Pretty snow pictures. We may order out for dinner tonight since we have a technician coming mid-to-late afternoon to disconnect our cable (YAY!!). BUT...we have SO many leftovers in the frig...still, a nice pizza could be good. I'm grateful for options! I hope to knit and stitch today. It is cold and more snow is forecast for Sunday.

  3. A few years ago I went through all the books on my bookshelves and I had around 2000 of them. I went through and donated a bunch of them to the local library and just kept the ones I really liked. I still have a couple I haven't read but I'm getting through them.

  4. Your snow is beautiful. I enjoy the birds at our feeders also. Do you by any chance own a leaf blower? I don't know if it would be easier on your hands and wrists, but that's what my husband used to clear the snow for paths here and we had about 13 inches when he did it. Love your gratitude list.

  5. The snow always looks beautiful but managing frosty, icy conditions can be a pain. I never leave enough time to defrost the car. I like your idea to read the books you have and then pass them on. Enjoy watching your birds x

  6. That is a lot of snow! We are supposed to get temps in the 20s next week and possible snow. As for now it's been chilly and very foggy. How come when I shop my stash there's nothing that matches what I am looking for. I am especially grateful for my husband, children, and grand children and also my dear sister.

  7. I'm grateful for the sunshine and the wind. I'm grateful for the writers that provide endless entertainment and inspiration. I also love the birds. Enjoy the snowy weather and leave the shoveling to someone else or wait for the sun to melt it.

  8. I am grateful for the moments of sunshine this week. And for the abundance of winter we've been having! I am breathing a sigh of relief with all of nature!

  9. I am grateful that we did not get the snow you did. We haven't had much this year and I'm ok with that...and lately I'm grateful that we have a home to keep us safe.


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