

Hello! How are you? Can you believe it is 2025? 

Right now I'm sitting in my clean quiet kitchen writing this post. Our company left early Saturday morning. I put away all the kid's stuff, stripped beds, cleaned the extra bathroom and did the sheet and towel laundry as well as undecorated the house. It was the fastest I've been ever. Of course I took some medicine for my arthritis to get me through the work.

My arthritis flare is subsiding and I'm grateful! Picking up kids and putting them into and out of carseats in awkward angles (not to mention pushing those safety strap buttons) is not the exercising I do on a regular basis. Also they are DEAD weight. Argh.

We are getting a little bit of a snow storm, it doesn't seem too bad right now but I don't have to go anywhere or do anything.

Yesterday I did our laundry and cleaned up the house some more. It is all looking pretty!

Above are the books I believe I will read. I want to read what I own (always a goal that is never achieved but it's nice to believe in goals). 

How was your weekend?


  1. It is lovely to have company and also nice when your house is your own again!

  2. Happy New Year, Karen! And hurrah for a "normal" week!

  3. Christmas has been packed away here too. It'll take a while to get used to the lights not glowing. Though we didn't having guests staying, we had visitors over 3 days. Lots to do but enjoyable as well. Lots of plans to read, craft etc. All the best as you rest and recharge.

  4. Karen, I'm sorry to learn that you've been having a flare with your RA. Flares are never fun. It sounds as though you had a wonderful Christmas and I'm so glad! Happy New Year!

  5. Glad your flare is subsiding. Isn't it lovely to have a clean and quiet home after lovely and busy days like that? I always feel the first normal week is the real start of a new year.

  6. that stack of books looks interesting and varied ... I pulled a stack from my shelves to read this month and so far I've started three! My weekend was quiet and rejuvenating ... and just what I needed.

  7. While it is wonderful when guests visit, the day when everything is cleaned up and put away and I return back to my routine is my favorite.

  8. We had a snowy cold weekend outdoors so stayed tucked inside. I enjoyed every minute. What a nice stack of books to ease you back into your routine. Your cleaning and tidying sounds like a whirlwind project but I bet it is nice to have it done.

  9. I also have a goal of reading from my "to read" stash, but then I got a new Kindle for Christmas, and I want to get more books to read on that too. I love seeing what you are reading. I am glad that your arthritis flare is subsiding. Have a good week. See you again soon.

  10. You had a productive and satisfying weekend, even with the extra work from company and dealing with arthritis flare-ups. It's great to hear that you're feeling some relief! I admire your dedication to tidying up and tackling everything on your to-do list. And I totally relate to the goal of reading the books you already own – it’s a wonderful aim, even if it doesn't always happen. I hope the snowstorm stays manageable, and that you get to enjoy some cozy reading time!

    You are invited to read my new post.

  11. My weekend was quiet thankfully. It's nice to get a little snow when you don't have to go out in it.


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