

Hello! How are you? How was your weekend?

My weekend was ultra relaxing but I made it so. I've been enjoying reading and knitting, sometimes at the same time, in the afternoons before I start cooking. I love the change of seasons and how I move with them. In the summer, I hardly feel like knitting much but I do. In the winter, I can't get enough of knitting. I've mainly worked on my hat or my sweater on Saturday and Sunday.

I walked yesterday and I believe that is the last walk outside until the end of the week. It will be too cold. That doesn't stop me from exercising in the house though.

It's been so cold I washed eight pairs of wool socks yesterday! A record. 

We really didn't do much this weekend except go to a nephew's birthday party on Saturday afternoon at my sister's house and attend church on Sunday. I've been hibernating. I love winter for the cosy hibernating.

Holly says 'hello', she is waiting for her beloved (husband) to come back to her while eyeing me suspiciously. 

How was your weekend?


  1. It definitely is the season for knitting and wool socks. I'm sorry you are just the spare as far as Holly is concerned!

  2. I knit as well this weekend! Stay warm!!

  3. There was a day the other week where I had lots and lots and lots of hand knit socks drying in our downstairs bathroom. I'm glad for the luxury of pulling those socks on in the morning. We got snow yesterday!!! And it will be frigid cold - single digit temps overnight for the next several nights. Stay warm! BTW, I just requested "Conjure Women" from my library!

  4. After watching the football games yesterday, all I can say is brrrrr. I have no idea how I survived living in the Philly area. I like that vanilla sweater. Super versatile.

  5. That sound like a very nice weekend. We were busy sweeping up leaves and neatening a path edge on Saturday. Then church on Sunday, a walk with son and his girlfriend. Some knitting happened too but not a lot x

  6. I need to start a yarn project... maybe a baby afghan? It's extra warmth on the lap during these cold winter days.

  7. It's been cold here but not as cold as some places.

  8. My Saturday was not relaxing.. I hosted a sleepover for the youngest. A belated birthday. But the added day off really helped make it a little more relaxed.

  9. It is definitely wool sock weather. How nice to have such a relaxing weekend. We also had a bitterly cold weekend and start to the week. I'm glad you are enjoying your knits.

  10. I'm knitting a new hat, but what I really need are some mittens. We are freezing and my fingers are so cold they hurt while I'm outside :-o.

  11. Glad you had a nice weekend of cozy hibernation! Have a good week.


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