Wool Bundle Hat


Good morning! How are you doing? 

We've been so lucky to have snow flurries every single day this week and it's beautiful. It's quite chilly out so walking has been brisk - I toy with not walking outside each day, but then I'll walk a bit giving myself the option to turn around and go home if I am too cold. Usually, I keep on walking. I can tolerate the cold more so than the unbearable heat in the summer.

I finished my hat!

I received this beautiful yarn bundle from my sister for my birthday in November. I loved choosing the striping sequence and it was fun to knit little bits of mini skeins. Even burying all those thread ends wasn't a chore but a delight. 

I wanted a loose hat (I dislike tight hats, I feel colder in them) and I wanted the hat to be slouchy. I just created this hat out of my head with a slightly educated guess to the size. I knit the length until I felt it was long enough on my head with some slouchiness. 

Over all my guessing turned out great!


  1. That stripy hat looks great and will help you stay warm in style!

  2. The color of the stripes reminds me of autumn leaves. The fit on you is perfect.

  3. What a great hat!! Kudos to you for going out to walk in the cold. I have not been doing that!! One of these days I may just bundle up and give it a whirl.

  4. What a fantastic hat! I have a bunch of mini skeins that I might do the same thing with! Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. That's such a great hat! I love the colors!

  6. Very cute. I like a little less fitted on a hat too. I agree. It keeps your head warmer.

  7. I love it! I'm going to have to start practicing on hats... I get nervous knitting in the round and then decreasing to such few stitches... I need to grow and expand! LOL!
    We have had a "winter event" and it kept me out of work for a day until the roads were cleared. Then getting out of my drive was a trick since they bladed a pile right at my drive. I enjoyed being home though.

  8. Karen, your hat is adorable! And it looks great on you!

  9. What a nice bright hat. I like a slouchy hat myself. You are lucky to have snow flurries on and off. I walked Monday and tried on Tuesday but the wind chill was too much for me. I turned around and came home.

  10. I love the colors and fit of this hat! Maybe make some matching gloves? Way to get outside and walking, the cold is hard on my joints.

  11. I love the colours, the hat looks good on you too.


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