
Showing posts from February, 2025

This and That

  Hello! How are you doing? I'm happy to report that the freezing cold weather has eased up and we are now having regular winter weather. I wear 'regular' clothes on my walks and sometimes I have to take my mitts off because I get warm. It's wonderful. The birds have ramped up their singing - a true sign of spring! Since the weather warmed up a bit, the crowding at my bird feeder off the back patio has eased up.  In about a month I will switch to thistle feed only because the resident raccoon will be stirring and he/she lovely to eat the regular mix. I am gleeful when I outwit them.  Yesterday we had a stir fry for dinner. I don't follow a recipe, since it's made up but I use a mix of sesame oil and olive oil. The vegetables in this photo are Nappa cabbage, mushrooms, broccoli and snow peas. For seasonings I use ginger powder and an umami blend (salt free). In a bowl we place chopped cooked chicken at the bottom then a scoop of jasmine rice (hot to heat up the c...

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you doing?  My knitting news this week is very little. The baby blanket is almost done which I am excited about. I haven't knitted much this week because of being 'busy'. I've had routine doctor checkups that seem to be bundled all at the end of February and beginning of March (!) and we are looking at houses for our son and daughter in law. When I get home I am just too tired to think straight. Luckily I've got a few days to catch up with my knitting, reading and thoughts before the next house viewing this weekend.  What are you working on this week?


  How was your weekend? Mine was busy, but I still managed to catch some minutes with my knitting. I am very close to the bottom of this sweater. I'm so excited! Our son and daughter in law started looking at houses virtually while my husband and I go physically to some of the houses. So far, nothing of interest that meets their needs but it did take up a chuck of our Sunday afternoon.  On Saturday, we went over to my sister's house to celebrate our brother in law's birthday. It was nice to get together and catch up with one another.  I am easing into another busy week helping family out, going to my classes and another routine doctor appointment. (these doctor appointments tend to bundle all together...). How was your weekend?

Winter Days

  Good morning! How are you? I'm doing great over all. I've been consistently exercising and trying to expand my routines while avoiding an arthritis flare-up. It's a slippery slope that I am managing so far. I have some good news --- we are two-thirds of the way through winter. Now you know I love winter and can tolerate the cold way more than tolerating warm/hot days. But yesterday afternoon, we finished lunch out and we were returning to the car when a blast of wind hit me, I was cold down to my bones. I had a fleeting thought of wishing for 30 degree weather. Yes, it's true, I feel like I'm betraying my love of winter. It's been six months since Frodo (our old miniature schnauzer and Holly's nemesis) has passed. Holly has been blossoming. Every day we see more and more of her. And yes, she still checks the loveseat where Frodo slept but there is less alarm and more of a 'yay he's not there' kind of glance.  We love her! I still miss Frodo but...

Burnt Wheat Hat

  I did it! I finished my hat a few days ago and instead of having five projects on the needles, I am now doing four projects. My brain loves that amount. For some reason I feel pressure with five projects. This hat was a fun project, it's the third one I've made of this design. I love the double thickness for walking in the extreme cold. It's the only hat design that I have knitted that keeps my heat toasty warm.  By the way, my daughter wove the scarf in the background of my photo. I love it so much!! She is talented and thoughtful.  What are you working on this week?


  We had some wild weather this weekend. On Saturday morning, it snowed so much that my husband had to clear the driveway before the rain set in. By Saturday night all the snow melted and it was raining until Sunday early afternoon. I decided to go for a walk after the became a scant drizzle. That is of course when the snow started and it was heavy! I was soaking wet and my shoes were leaking, so sad.  So now we have about 3-4 inches of snow to clear once again this morning. Besides the rollercoaster weather, I finished a book over the weekend and then started Glory Over Everything  as my next read. So far I find the book captivating and it is from my 'to be read' bookshelf. My goal of reading the books I already own for 2025 is going strong. I continued to work steadily on my sweater over the weekend as well. It's a comfort knit with all of those stockinette stitches. How was your weekend?

Hints of Spring

  Good morning! First and foremost, these are NOT my daffodils. I spied them in the neighborhood and was thrilled to snap a photo for you so you could see that spring is around the corner. I love February and how it slowly changes into hints of spring while clinging to winter weather. On my walk yesterday, I started with drizzle, that then turned to sleet (painful), that then turned to flakes, that then turned to drizzle. What a walk!  I felt like I went through all the emotions but I was invigorated! After some errand running yesterday, I worked on my hat and the blanket while chilling out reading my kindle. I'm reading Digital Minimalism and am enjoying it. For my real book reading, I'm still reading the short story collection The Wonder Garden, I love it. The author sprinkles in various characters from previous short stories and it is fun to see the different side of characters and their motivations through the different stories.  Holly is being majestic and owning her...

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you? My knitting news is quite scant. I had high hopes of finishing this hat over the weekend but it just didn't happen. Maybe I'll finish it by next week? I do love working on this while I am watching TV or talking to people, it's hard for me to make a mistake (although never say never!).  What have you been working on this week?


  Good morning! How was your weekend? My weekend was relaxing and calm, just the way a weekend should be. I didn't do much of anything but I did knit and read and doodled. Now that the deep freeze is over, I've been enjoying my daily walks and even hear some birds singing. I like to believe it's a sign of very very early spring. Yesterday we went over to my sister's house for an early dinner. It was nice to be with them and to spend time with them. My sister and I knitted our sweaters together. I'm making steady progress on the baby blanket . I try to spend at least one hour a day working on it. I also worked on my sweater each day this weekend.

Outings and Reading

  Yesterday we went to the local conservator y to see their orchid and bonsai exhibit. We had fun being indoors looking at flowers while outside was a dreary drippy, damp day. After our visit, we went out to lunch for ramen and then did a tiny bit of shopping that amounted to nothing being bought.  My adult non-credit classes started up this week and I eased into a new routine and schedule. I love seeing friends I've made and I continue to make new ones. Joining the adult learning program has been a good decision. Of course my favorite class is Tai Chi.  Can you believe we are over a third of the way through winter? Yikes! Time flies. I've been watching the weather and I see snow in the forecast for the next week off and on. I don't mind the snow. Currently, I'm reading a short story collection, The Wonder Garden, by Lauren Acampora. It's been a long time since I've read short stories and I'm enjoying the switch up. This book has been languishing on my '...

Knitting News

  Good morning! After a crazy weekend, I am fully restored to my default settings. I have been mainly knitting on two projects. The first is my lovely pullover , working slowly on the body of the sweater, this is my TV knitting later in the evenings because I cannot make a mistake. I've also been steadily working on the baby blanket as well. I enjoy this pattern because I've knit it so much (this is the eighth time) and it is memorized.  What are you working on this week?


  Hello! How are you doing and how was your weekend? My weekend was filled with celebrating our grandson's third birthday. I cannot believe he is three. He thoroughly enjoyed the birthday singing and of course the presents. My husband and I had a great time seeing family as well. I am so happy today is a 'boring' day so I can recharge and regroup. My granddaughter wore her sweater on the party day! (I wished I had used bigger buttons...) Even though the visiting was packed with socializing, I managed to seek in some much needed knitting time. I did not finish any projects, but I did add inches to the hat and the baby blanket. After pizza and cake, I'm ready for a BIG salad and lots of healthy foods.  How was your weekend?