Burnt Wheat Hat


I did it! I finished my hat a few days ago and instead of having five projects on the needles, I am now doing four projects. My brain loves that amount. For some reason I feel pressure with five projects. This hat was a fun project, it's the third one I've made of this design. I love the double thickness for walking in the extreme cold. It's the only hat design that I have knitted that keeps my heat toasty warm. 

By the way, my daughter wove the scarf in the background of my photo. I love it so much!! She is talented and thoughtful. 

What are you working on this week?


  1. Your hat is so pretty, Karen. I love the color...and your daughter is definitely talented when it comes to the scarf that she wove. I have what is referred to as an Amish Buggy Blanket that I got at an auction that is of the very same design...wool, of course, and I love it!

  2. I love that woven scarf! (and how perfectly the hat coordinates with it!) Happy Wednesday!

  3. Great finish on your hat and how wonderfully it coordinates with the gorgeous scarf your daughter wove. Lucky you!!

  4. A hat to keep you warm and it matches your scarf perfectly, well done!

  5. Great hat! It looks toasty warm too. Still working on a baby sweater. I am on sleeve island.

  6. im in a knitting funk, too many projects on the needles, 4 would be a good number for me as well!

  7. Congrats on finishing it, it came out great.

  8. It always feels great when you have a finish, well done. The hat looks lovely and the scarf. very talented.

  9. Your hat is very pretty. Finishing a project is always a good feeling. The scarf is beautiful. Your daughter is as talented as her mother.

  10. I know you're enjoying that toasty warm hat - it turned out beautifully! I'm knitting the sleeves on a warm winter cardigan and hoping the crazy cold weather won't hang around waiting for me to finish it!


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