Hints of Spring


Good morning! First and foremost, these are NOT my daffodils. I spied them in the neighborhood and was thrilled to snap a photo for you so you could see that spring is around the corner. I love February and how it slowly changes into hints of spring while clinging to winter weather. On my walk yesterday, I started with drizzle, that then turned to sleet (painful), that then turned to flakes, that then turned to drizzle. What a walk!  I felt like I went through all the emotions but I was invigorated!

After some errand running yesterday, I worked on my hat and the blanket while chilling out reading my kindle. I'm reading Digital Minimalism and am enjoying it. For my real book reading, I'm still reading the short story collection The Wonder Garden, I love it. The author sprinkles in various characters from previous short stories and it is fun to see the different side of characters and their motivations through the different stories. 

Holly is being majestic and owning her space. I love her confidence! Have a great weekend!


  1. I don't think we're quite ready for daffodils here yet but I'm glad someone is! We still have snow and ice on the ground and more to come. But one thing for sure, spring will come!

  2. I made our tax appointment for March 20th - the first day of Spring!! Also my Mom's birthday...missing her. I have not seen any buds coming up, but Colin has on his walks. In the 20's here and chilly this morning. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. I am hoping those piles of snow melt soon because I know there are little bulbs just waiting to push up through the dirt.

  4. Well, that was quite a walk. Your Kindle book sounds interesting. I may have to check into that one.

    Holly is such a beautiful cat!

    Happy Valentine's Day to you, Karen.

  5. Holly is so cute. Happy Valentine's Day.

  6. Oh my, my daffodils haven't even begun to peek out of the ground yet. It has just been way too cold and a lot more cold and snow is expected this week. That was quite a walk that you encountered. I love walking in snow, but not rain or sleet. Have a good week. Your knitting is looking great!

  7. Goodness I hope those daffodils don't get nipped by another cold snap. What a walk in all kinds of weather. I bet the wool came in handy. Happy Valentine's Day.

  8. i love those yarn colors. beautiful! what i'm really wondering is HOW do you knit and read? at the same time? wow...i'm in awe. :)

    1. I read a kindle (book stays opened) and I do the simplest of knitting -- stockinette or garter stitch. I have been knitting for over 40 years so maybe that helps me too.

  9. My daff's are just peeking up a bit... those are show offs! Ha! Wintry mix... oy, such not fun to walk in! Hope your weekend is going well!

  10. Sounds like a wild walk! We have some bulbs peeking up through the snow which is finally melting slowly. Your knitting is impressive; it would take me years to finish a blanket! Our book club title for this month is Eleni, one of the sadist books I've ever read. It's a true story about wars in Greece during the mid-forties. I'd not heard of that piece of history in any of my classes and wonder why!

  11. I haven't seen any daffodils around here, but probably in another month, there will be plenty coming up. The books you are reading sound interesting. Glad you had a nice week. See you again soon.

  12. Your knitting is all so nice. I love the color and pattern of the baby blanket. I suspect we won't have any flowers popping up for a while. Looking forward to see your sweater progress this week.

  13. Oh how I love to see knitting and wooly projects in posts! Yours is wonderful! In the middle of a snowstorm here in Ontario, Canada so it will be quite some time before I see ground and growth, LOL.

  14. What? Daffodils? Wow.. today was so cold it doesn't seem like spring is just around the corner but I hope so.


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