Knitting News


Good morning!

After a crazy weekend, I am fully restored to my default settings. I have been mainly knitting on two projects. The first is my lovely pullover, working slowly on the body of the sweater, this is my TV knitting later in the evenings because I cannot make a mistake.

I've also been steadily working on the baby blanket as well. I enjoy this pattern because I've knit it so much (this is the eighth time) and it is memorized. 

What are you working on this week?


  1. Such pretty colors. I need to take a trip to sleeve island on my current sweater but I am stalling and knitting socks and my habitation throw.

  2. Lovely knitting! I am on Sleeve Island and it is delightful! :)

  3. With two big projects on the needles you might need a small hat or socks for a break!

  4. Such pretty yarns! I pulled out an old, neglected project with the thought of unraveling it...but decided I will carry on!

  5. Both of your projects are beautiful, Karen. I especially like the baby blanket that you are working on. I have 26 more rows to put on the baby blanket I am working on and then the edging.

  6. The blanket has a warm color. This week I plan to finish a book I'm reading.

  7. I very rarely find knitting easy. I love the baby blanket pattern. I like the yarn for your sweater.

  8. These are such nice projects for a winter week. I'm valiantly trying to finish a shawl that's been languishing for quite some time. I'm ready to be finished with it.

  9. Nice projects! I am working on some socks; I am much better at starting than finishing though. I also have a sweater that's on Sleeve Island along with me.

  10. Such relaxing greens, heaven. After finishing the shawl, I'm going to be back working on my jumper. I tend to knit dishcloths/washcloths at knit & natter as I can't concentrate on more complicated patterns there.


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