Outings and Reading


Yesterday we went to the local conservatory to see their orchid and bonsai exhibit. We had fun being indoors looking at flowers while outside was a dreary drippy, damp day. After our visit, we went out to lunch for ramen and then did a tiny bit of shopping that amounted to nothing being bought. 

My adult non-credit classes started up this week and I eased into a new routine and schedule. I love seeing friends I've made and I continue to make new ones. Joining the adult learning program has been a good decision. Of course my favorite class is Tai Chi. 

Can you believe we are over a third of the way through winter? Yikes! Time flies. I've been watching the weather and I see snow in the forecast for the next week off and on. I don't mind the snow.

Currently, I'm reading a short story collection, The Wonder Garden, by Lauren Acampora. It's been a long time since I've read short stories and I'm enjoying the switch up. This book has been languishing on my 'to be read' pile. I had high hopes of reading a story a day but I already failed that mini challenge. So I'm read a story however long it takes.

I hope you are surviving the February days we are marching closer and closer to March!


  1. The conservatory is lovely! I wish I had one closer, but Longwood Gardens is almost two hours away and a fairly congested drive.

  2. What a boon the conservatory is! (And I really wish Steve wanted to go there! HA!) Have a great and relaxing weekend!


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