

We had some wild weather this weekend. On Saturday morning, it snowed so much that my husband had to clear the driveway before the rain set in. By Saturday night all the snow melted and it was raining until Sunday early afternoon. I decided to go for a walk after the became a scant drizzle. That is of course when the snow started and it was heavy! I was soaking wet and my shoes were leaking, so sad.  So now we have about 3-4 inches of snow to clear once again this morning.

Besides the rollercoaster weather, I finished a book over the weekend and then started Glory Over Everything as my next read. So far I find the book captivating and it is from my 'to be read' bookshelf. My goal of reading the books I already own for 2025 is going strong.

I continued to work steadily on my sweater over the weekend as well. It's a comfort knit with all of those stockinette stitches.

How was your weekend?


  1. The weekend's weather was certainly topsy-turvy! Happy Monday!

  2. My weekend was snowy, freezing, frigid, and very windy! I am grateful that I'm able to stay indoors today and hope everyone that has to be outside in this wild weather can stay warm, safe, and dry.

  3. It sounds like your weekend weather was pretty much the same as ours. I don't think we have quite as much snow yet as you do though. However, it's still snowing so we may make it to the predicted amount.

    The rest of your weekend sounds lovely...reading and knitting...what's not to love? I also did read and crocheted.

  4. We just had cold temps but we are supposed to get 6 - 8 inches of snow starting very early on Tuesday morning. My Sunday, I didn't even get out of my pajamas! Attended church online. I worked on my newest wrap but the rows are getting long so it is taking longer to get through. Hope you have a nice week!

  5. I love the goal you have of reading the books from your "to read" shelf. We got some snow here as well, but then the snow changed to rain and melted much of the snow. Fortunately, most of our snow has been up in the surrounding mountains this year, which is exactly where it needs to be. I keep reminding myself that spring will get here eventually. I hope you have a good week. See you again soon!

  6. The weather has been so all over the place!! I love the color of your yarn. Enjoy knitting and more good reading...as the winter weather may return. Happy Monday!

  7. Your weather has been like a roller coaster. I looked up that book, sounds interesting.

  8. Good luck on the sweater. I like looking at snow but glad we don't get any.

  9. That weather does sound like a roller coaster. Your reading goal is going very strong. Enjoy the stockinette.

  10. Being wet and cold sounds miserable. It was gray and cloudy all weekend here. Snowed in the mountains but nothing here in the valley.

  11. It was cold, with a few sleet showers. We ran a few errands and then went home to light a fire. Sunday was church and then the young people's group.


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