Winter Days


Good morning! How are you? I'm doing great over all. I've been consistently exercising and trying to expand my routines while avoiding an arthritis flare-up. It's a slippery slope that I am managing so far. I have some good news --- we are two-thirds of the way through winter. Now you know I love winter and can tolerate the cold way more than tolerating warm/hot days. But yesterday afternoon, we finished lunch out and we were returning to the car when a blast of wind hit me, I was cold down to my bones. I had a fleeting thought of wishing for 30 degree weather. Yes, it's true, I feel like I'm betraying my love of winter.

It's been six months since Frodo (our old miniature schnauzer and Holly's nemesis) has passed. Holly has been blossoming. Every day we see more and more of her. And yes, she still checks the loveseat where Frodo slept but there is less alarm and more of a 'yay he's not there' kind of glance.  We love her! I still miss Frodo but I do not miss his nursing care nor the endless minutes worrying about him. 

I started a nature journal that I only work in once a week at the beginning of the year. This week I made up a scene because you can only sketch or draw snow in so many forms. Again, is that me wishing for spring?? 

Right now it's snowing some more and I will try to get a walk in at some point today. Have a good weekend!


  1. I love that Holly is blossoming! She looks like such a sweet kitty. I love having four seasons, but find that I am (in my mind) wishing this season along and yearning for Spring. I might be ok if it were not for the relentless wind.

  2. Holly is staying warm by the heat register!

  3. Those six months since Frodo passed have surely gone by quickly! Love the picture of the snow with a glimpse of your house. It's snowing here today too.

    Holly is such a pretty cat. And I really like your journal entry in your nature journal.

  4. Holly is adorable. I miss seeing Frodo, but I understand your relief at the reprieve from nursing care. Your landscape is pretty. I wish I could get myself to be consistent with exercise.

  5. Cats sure are interesting animals, aren't they? Holly sure is a pretty kitty, and it's fun that she's thriving. But is sure hard to lose a pet of any type. When our Ginger passed, we knew we'd not get another kitty for 2 reasons, our age and also the fact that our local family are all allergic to cats, so we could only get together when the weather was warm enough to sit outside. We actually had a fair bit of snow, the first in quite some time. Since we live on a hill, that makes driving very scary. Thanks to warmer temps and lots of rain, the snow is almost gone. Now they are telling us to expect an "atmospheric river"...hope they are wrong. Have a nice weekend and good weather!

  6. Holly is adorable but I also miss seeing dear Frodo. I was just thinking that a bit of a warm up might be welcome as I walked in the bitterly cold temps early this morning! I am not ready for spring yet, but I'd like temps in the upper 20's versus the low teens! Hope you weekend is going fabulously!

  7. Holly is very cute. So sorry about Frodo. My dog is going to be 11 years old in May. I'm happy for every day that he's still happy and healthy enough to be with me because I know dogs don't live much past 15 years.

  8. Holly is such a sweet looking cat, it's good that she's come out of her shell. I miss seeing Frodo, he was cute. Our weather is up and down in the UK, cold bitter winds down at 4*c up to 17*c, crazy. It'll likely drop to cold soon. It's not usually so warm in February. Take care x

  9. Like you I am a bit weary of the cold. Our weather is warming up this weekend and into next week though. Holly is blossoming. She surely knows she is well loved.

  10. I love when you share your sketches...I have a hard time drawing stick people. And the hat! I'm so glad Holly is feeling more comfortable. Cats are funny. Have a great week.

  11. I tolerate the cold of winter and tolerate the heat of the summer. I love the even temperature of fall and spring but the rains of spring.. as you can see.. I am hard to please which is why I enjoy the changing of seasons.
    Good to hear you are feeling good.


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