

Good afternoon! How are you? We have been having wonderful weather here, I'm enjoying it immensely. It seems like a switch was flipped and winter is over. Don't worry though, we did not put the snow shovel away yet as a precaution.

I don't know if you remember but Frodo (our mini schnauzer who passed last August) was a nosey little dog and I would call him Mrs. Kravitz whenever he watched the neighborhood (from Bewitched TV show). Well now, look at Miss Holly up there doing the same thing picking up the torch of being nosey in the neighborhood. I love it! (Frodo wanted to park at people, Holly is interested in the birds)

This past week was really busy. Tomorrow is busy as well. I have a meeting at church then the rest of the day I'm helping out my cousin with her medical appointment and it's 40 minutes away. My aunt appreciates an extra pair of hands and I'm willing to help out. That is why I'm posting today instead of tomorrow.

On my walk today I spied about 8 wild turkeys but only managed to capture two in the many photos. They don't like people I guess. 

I'm making slow progress on my sweater, really slow! But I am knitting and getting the inches done on my first sleeve. It's comfort knitting when it's all that stockinette stitch.

My son and daughter in law are arriving this weekend for an entire week of house hunting. Of course we get to have grandchildren time which I'm quite excited about. I bought some sidewalk chalk and I hope the weather stays nice so we can do some ART.

I do not know if I will be posting at all next week, so if I'm missing that is why! I'm living life and being present in what I do. 


  1. We see wild turkeys around here from time to time too.

    I like your sweater!

  2. Somebody has to check out the neighborhood, so I am glad Holly is in charge! Wishing the best of luck to your son and DiL in their search for a house. I'm not sure what the market is doing, but for me anyway, househunting is stressful!

  3. I've never seen wild turkeys. How cool is that.

  4. Arh bless Holly, she's doing a good job guarding the area. The jumper looks good. Enjoy your week x

  5. You are a very busy lady. How nice of you to help out with your cousin. A week with your grandkids wil be busy but worth all the memories.

  6. Have a delightful time with your family!

  7. Wild turkeys! At first site I thought the little one was a velociraptor. :-D Enjoy your time with your family. ~*~


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