Knitting News


Good morning! How are you and how is your crafting coming along?

I made it to the first sleeve of my pullover! Before I started the sleeve, I had to undo the cast off for the neckline because I couldn't get it over my head. I used a stretchy bind off and now the neckline is a bit floppy. I am keeping my fingers crossed that blocking fixes that floppiness and the body edging that is also curling up. 

The baby blanket is nearing completion. I am on the last full skein of knitting and if my memory is correct I use a teeny bit of the last skein. (I really should write notes to myself!).  

What are you working on this week?


  1. I like it. This takes a lot of skill!

  2. Oh my... that was a tricky fix! I confess that stitching is holding the largest interest for me right now! But I did start a vest yesterday!!

  3. The Spring Green baby blanket is so pretty! Glad you could fix the neck of your pullover. Like Kat, I've been stitching more than knitting, but I hope to finish my sock this week and move on to some other things!

  4. Your blanket is in a lovely spring shade, and your sweater is looking good. Fingers crossed for fast sleeves and a good blocking!

  5. I hope the neckline turns out ok. I knitted a purple jumper and though I love it, the neck is rather wide. I'm working on my jumper and the Lent KAL.

  6. I hope the neckline works out ok. Have you ever used Hi-ya hi-ya Grandma's Stretchy Bind off. Someone in the blog circle recommended it to me and I really like the way it looks. It's so nice to see the greens in your knitting. I'm working on a maybe sweater and dreaming of other projects - from stash yarn.


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