Knitting News


Hello! How are you and how is your crafting coming along this week?

I have my family here until the weekend so I doubt I will be knitting much, but I did make it to the second sleeve of my vanilla sweater after I snapped this photo. I'm so excited that I am near the end. I'm still trying to decide if I should redo the neckline a third time...I will block it and see how it looks before I rip it out. I'm hoping the blocking will even out the edges.

What are you working on this week?

I will be busy with my family and will not post until Monday or Tuesday. We hope they find a house to buy!


  1. I am almost ready to finish the ribbing on a vest! I am eager to begin the sleeve and neck bands so I can wear it... and soon! Enjoy your time with your family! XO

  2. My fingers are crossed for successful house buying and blocking that works!

  3. Such beautiful yarn and I know the finished sweater will be gorgeous. Praying for your son's family to find the perfect house for them.

  4. Wishing you and your family a lovely time together. May the house hunting be happy AND successful! And, may your blocking fix the neck!


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