Spruce Blanket


How are you doing on this fine Tuesday? Right now the sun is shining and I already took a first walk and will take a second short walk after dinner.

Well now, I finished the baby blanket! I am excited that I casted off over the weekend. Phew. I love to knit for babies and lucky for me it seems there is always a baby to knit for these days. 

It's been really busy here and that is why I wasn't around on Monday. I don't know why I have a ton of appointments and meetings that all bundle around each other. I'm the one that schedules them! I should know better because I get overwhelmed when there is too much going on. 

How are your projects going these days?


  1. The blanket is beautiful, Karen. I love that shade of green. And the stitching is exquisite. I was wondering about you when I checked in yesterday and figured you were either ill or busy. I prayed for you. I'm glad to know that you were just busy. I also understand the overwhelm. It can be daunting at times.

  2. Your baby blankets are the best! I am just working on a sock that has been on my needles for way too long.

  3. That is a beautiful blanket and I hope the baby sleeps well under it!

  4. I love your blanket. Knitting baby blankets are such a treasure and heirloom.

  5. How wonderful to have such a lovely, green blanket at you wait for spring to arrive. I am falling in love with so many of my projects which is a wonderful place to find myself.

  6. That's a great blanket! I love the color! I sometimes get overwhelmed when I have too many appointments in the same week too. I hope everything is going well and that you can relax and enjoy the rest of the week.


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