

Good morning! How are you?

Even though it was mighty cold yesterday, I found daffodils sprouting in my yard. They are defiantly saying spring is on the way. Over the weekend the temps dropped down and I was once again doing my daily walk wearing double of everything. As long as there is no wind, my cold walks are manageable. 

My weekend was busy. We viewed three houses for the kids and while one of them was a great possibility they are going to wait a few more weeks before committing on a house. Yesterday after the laundry was done, I read my books and knitted in the afternoon. I am almost done with the baby blanket. 

Lent starts this Wednesday and maybe I will be posting a little less (or not). Can you believe that we change the time this coming weekend? Time flies by the older I get. 

How was your weekend?


  1. I also spotted daffodils coming up around our house! And the Red Wing Blackbirds are back - a sure sign of Spring. I had just noticed the other day that we change the clocks next weekend. I don't know...it seems early to me. And yes, time is flying by! We had high winds starting mid-day Saturday, so no walks for me unfortunately. But, lots of knitting, stitching and reading time, so overall a good weekend!

  2. That seems pretty early for the time change but I'm not in charge. While it's chilly this morning, it supposed to get much warmer over the coming week. You'll have daffodil blooms soon!

  3. My daff's are not nearly as "sprouted" as yours are! But yes for signs of spring! Walking on Saturday in the crazy winds was a bit of a challenge.... I am ready for spring!

  4. Hi - I hopped over from Sandi's blog to visit. So glad you are seeing daffodils coming up...mine are peaking through in spots too. Your baby blanket looks so warm. It is certainly hard to wrap my brain around the time change too. Always think it seems so silly to play with the clocks because it really doesn't change how much daylight we receive - guess folks like it to stay lighter at night...I prefer earlier light in the morning. :)! Have a blessed day.


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