

Good morning! How are you? Look at my daffodils!!

I know what you are thinking. You are wondering why I am here when I have company staying for the week. Well, before they left home on Saturday, the grandkids had the stomach virus Friday afternoon which postponed their trip until Sunday. Then on Saturday night, the parents started with the same virus. I am grateful that they kept it over at their house and did not bring it here. They plan to arrive on Tuesday now, fingers are crossed that they will be fully recuperated and ready to do some house hunting. 

Because the weekend ended up being free and clear, I spent my time knitting and reading. I was planning a family get together with the local family invited on Sunday to share a turkey dinner (turkey thawing in the fridge since Tuesday). I cooked it anyways and my husband and me were a party of two, I froze most of the leftovers.

I started a new book yesterday, The Alice Network, it's been on my shelf for quite some time! I finished Glory over Everything and that was okay. The ending really didn't do much for me. But I was entertained with the plot overall.

How was your weekend?


  1. Oh boy... I am glad they kept that bug to themselves as well! I hope that their Tuesday arrival goes without any hitches... good luck to them as they house hunt!

  2. Ah, the joys of passing a virus around the family. I hope everyone is happy, healthy, and ready to find a new new house!

  3. So sorry your family member Mrs got sick and had to postpone their visit...but I'm thankful they got sick BEFORE coming instead of WHILE visiting! Here's hoping their house hunting is successful. A turkey dinner sounds wonderful!


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