
Showing posts with the label Holly


  Good morning! How are you doing today? This past week I've been reflecting on my focus. What do I focus on and is it something I want to focus on. I've made a strong effort to prune away my wayward attention span. Of course it's a work in progress, but I'm happy with the progress I've made so far. I get sidetracked by current events or 'interesting ideas' where I fall down a rabbit hole of researching on the internet and then find out that time has slipped away. I've become purposeful on how I focus and what I focus on each day.  The more technology advances to help us with our life, the more tangled it becomes on what is important to focus on and what is not important to focus on. Each day, I write what I want to accomplish. That helps set the tone of my focused attention. Anyways, this is what I've been thinking about.  You know what I love to focus on? My knitting which by the way has made significant progress. I hope to finish the baby blanket ...

Winter Days

  Good morning! How are you? I'm doing great over all. I've been consistently exercising and trying to expand my routines while avoiding an arthritis flare-up. It's a slippery slope that I am managing so far. I have some good news --- we are two-thirds of the way through winter. Now you know I love winter and can tolerate the cold way more than tolerating warm/hot days. But yesterday afternoon, we finished lunch out and we were returning to the car when a blast of wind hit me, I was cold down to my bones. I had a fleeting thought of wishing for 30 degree weather. Yes, it's true, I feel like I'm betraying my love of winter. It's been six months since Frodo (our old miniature schnauzer and Holly's nemesis) has passed. Holly has been blossoming. Every day we see more and more of her. And yes, she still checks the loveseat where Frodo slept but there is less alarm and more of a 'yay he's not there' kind of glance.  We love her! I still miss Frodo but...


  Good morning! How was your weekend? My weekend was nice enough. I went out shopping with my sister briefly on both days and also started doing pesky house cleaning tasks. I used the self cleaning function of a VERY old oven and it worked...I was concerned since it is ancient. My fears were unnecessary - my oven is squeaky clean! My next task is moving furniture to vacuum under them, I need my husband's help with that one, but the task is on the list and that is half the battle. Our weather is finally above freezing and on my walk yesterday, I took off my mitts because I was warm. What luxury! I've been wearing double layers on my walks for so long that I felt light with just regular layers.  I started yet again another knitting project. This one is a baby blanket for a relative who is expecting sometime this year. I'm now up to five projects on the needles, that is my maximum. Anything more and nothing will be finished in a timely manner. How was your weekend?


  Hello! How are you? How was your weekend? My weekend was ultra relaxing but I made it so. I've been enjoying reading and knitting, sometimes at the same time, in the afternoons before I start cooking. I love the change of seasons and how I move with them. In the summer, I hardly feel like knitting much but I do. In the winter, I can't get enough of knitting. I've mainly worked on my hat or my sweater  on Saturday and Sunday. I walked yesterday and I believe that is the last walk outside until the end of the week. It will be too cold. That doesn't stop me from exercising in the house though. It's been so cold I washed eight pairs of wool socks yesterday! A record.  We really didn't do much this weekend except go to a nephew's birthday party on Saturday afternoon at my sister's house and attend church on Sunday. I've been hibernating. I love winter for the cosy hibernating. Holly says 'hello', she is waiting for her beloved (husband) to come...

Quiet Days

  Good morning! How are you doing? How is January so far? After my company left last weekend, I have put my house back to the way it was and fully recharged my battery with lots of knitting and reading. I am working on another hat (remember it's hat-knitting mojo for me right now). I started a new book to read and it's one from my shelves which will count towards my ultimate goal of reading what I own and then donating the book out of the house. Sometimes I keep books if I find them extraordinarily touching. I've struggled with maintaining my walking outside, there is a limit to how cold I can be. I continue to exercise inside with my weights and doing yoga poses. Even though it's cold, I continue to love winter the most. My creativity soars in brisk weather! I have exciting news to share. As you know, Holly only loves my husband and shows that love only to him. Well, other day she gave me some head butts for the FIRST time ever. I felt so loved by her, then she took a ...

Advent Joy

  Grab a cup of tea, this will take a while. How are you? How's your week been? I have been thoroughly enjoying this Advent season! I cannot believe we are near the end. Time does fly. We left on Sunday to help out with babysitting on Monday and Tuesday and arrived back home on Wednesday this past week. We had excellent driving weather both to and from Indiana. Sadly all my photos cannot be shared with the internet of the kids. I don't feel right doing so. So just imagine me and my husband being on the go from 8 am until 8 pm unless it was nap time. Our grandson is almost three years old and our granddaughter is 16 months old and both are fun. I have wiped my distant memory of taking care of little ones and wonder how I had the energy. I am now battling an arthritis flare (it is a small one so not a big deal) and I know it's from traveling and doing too much. I still knit a lot on the car rides and I started a new project but you'll have to wait for me to create a proje...


  Good morning! How are you? How was your weekend? I had a great weekend but I didn't take any great photos. I've been wrapping presents a little bit each day instead of doing it all in one massive long day. This has made a difference in my joy as I wrap. Do you wrap all at once? Or do you do a little bit at a time? Miss Holly has been finding the sun spots and getting her 'tan' going. She is a sweetie. I have no idea what she is watching outside that window. She does that every day. My guess is probably birds or chipmunks but chipmunks should be resting now that it's super cold outside. Sadly I did not take any photos of my knitting, but I have been knitting! I continue to work on my husband's hat and I ripped out a pair of mitts I started (couldn't see the dark yarn with cabling) and started a much simpler pattern instead. Sunday was church then the laundry. I am getting excited for the upcoming holidays. The kids are coming back with the grandchildren and...


  How was your weekend? Well, I decided to decorate the house on Saturday in one fell swoop. I am still sore but it is done! My calendar is going to be busy from here on out and I wanted this task done. My house feels like Christmas! Because I was decorating all day, we ate from the freezer for dinner and it was nice that Past Me froze the leftovers from our Fake Thanksgiving celebration two weeks ago. What a delicious dinner! On Friday night my sister and brother in law made dinner for us and we played board games. I also received my birthday gift from them. Holly had to intensely investigate the bag. I love her 'concerned' look when she is evaluating the degree of threat. Sunday I went to Mass and enjoyed some reading and knitting and being chill. Of course there was the laundry and some chores. How was your weekend?  ** Please note that I will not be posting this coming Friday as well as the following Monday. We have family visiting again and I know I will be busy with them...


  Hello! How was your weekend? My weekend was wonderful! On Saturday, my sister and I went out shopping to craft stores and spent some quality time together. In the afternoon, my husband and I went out as well to do a bit of shopping for 'boring' stuff. He needed some new rain boots for when he works outside. But it was quality time together! I was woefully behind on laundry and got all caught up this weekend. That is a satisfying feeling and it's so nice to have shirts I want to wear as opposed to having to wear. It's a mindset. After months of not painting, I pulled out my supplies and dabbled a bit. I also worked on my throw that is evolving on its own. I've added more colors since the photo. Now I'm trying to use up all of my scraps if that is possible. I do like the challenge. Sunday morning we attended Mass, afterwards I rested by knitting and reading. It was a great day! What did you do this weekend?

Around Here

  Around here, Autumn is showing off with beautiful oak leaves. I love them! Yesterday it rained all day and while my hair was a frizzy mess, I enjoyed the drizzle. We are in need of rain. I even took my daily walk in the drizzle, delightful! Over the long weekend we had both kids and the grandkids here, I made a fake Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday. It was a lot of work and I was exhausted even with helping hands. I miss the energy and stamina of my youth. On the other hand, I was proud I was able to do what I do! Whenever we have company, my house is turned into a mess. It's a good mess, but when everyone leaves I put away the toys, the chairs, the moved around stuff that happens when we have company. I miss everyone when they leave AND I missed my tidy home that I recapture.  Our grandson and granddaughter play with a splattering of old toys and new. They keep us very busy and we have so much fun playing with them. I am grateful they all traveled here to see us. What blessing...


  Hello, how are you? I'm doing pretty good, trying my best to keep busy and fill my days with the last bits of warm weather activities while anticipating the cold weather activities. Although later this week the temperature will be back into the low 70s, the next few days will be chilly. I love when fall breezes in and ebbs back out. Each time we are closer and closer to colder weather. My husband and I walked the local park over the weekend, I wanted to see the trees changing before they are past peak. As you can see, we are still early for peak colors. We were lucky because they closed the road down for some tree maintenance and that eliminated car traffic (yay!). We had a beautiful walk. Holly continues to be brave and bold since Frodo left us in August. She still checks his spot on the loveseat but doesn't look terrified when she does. Her progress has been steady. I love when she drinks from his water bowl which we have kept out for her. Gah!!  Over the weekend, I was kn...


  Good morning! How was your weekend? I have been drinking up this weather!! The leaves are falling and the air is cool, maybe just maybe fall is here to stay. My fingers are crossed. Mine was very boring overall. I spent most of my knitting time on the second sock and yet it still isn't completed yet. Yesterday I was on the computer for over two hours creating calendars for some family members for the holidays. I was so glad when I finished it! Miss Holly is ruling her universe as Queen Bee. She is shy and will be a shy one but I can hope she will sit by me one day. She does sit with my husband late at night and looks at him adoringly. Grr. Thanks for the kind words about Frodo, we miss him (he was the best dog ever!) but for now we will be a cat-only house just to give Holly the love and attention she was denied when Frodo was master of the universe.  I started a sweater for my grandson for Christmas but haven't worked on it for about a week. I hope to return to the project ...


  Good morning! How are you? My past week was filled with classes and appointments. I am ready for a super boring weekend! In the above photo are the mums (chrysanthemums) I bought in memory of dear Frodo (who I miss so much!) and they are now blooming. So far the deer are leaving them alone. Sometimes you never know what the deer will eat up.  I love seeing my flowers and remembering our sweet boy! Holly the cat is getting ever so bold and brave now that her nemesis is gone. She still checks the loveseat where he slept which I find quite funny. She is very concerned that he might be there. She now lays in sunbeams in the kitchen and comes visit me briefly while I am knitting. Maybe one day she will snuggle. I had a cardiology appointment last week to discuss shortness of breath while exercising and he decided to discontinue one of my blood pressure meds (yay) thinking that is what was causing my symptoms. As a precaution he ordered an exercise stress test which I did yesterda...


  Good morning! How was your weekend? Another photo of Holly being a brave soul. She is a delight! My weekend was a mix of relaxing, socializing with family or visiting with family. On Saturday, I took a long walk in the neighborhood wearing a jacket and feeling cold to my bones. I loved it! Once again, the hot weather will be making a come back but hopefully the evening temperatures will be chilly and take the sting out of the warmth. My sister and brother in law came over for dinner and game board night. We always have fun together and laugh a lot. On Sunday I attended 7:30 a.m. Mass (gulp!) then my sister and I drove up to see my dad and step-mom for a visit and a lunch. We had a nice time visiting them. Once home, I rested, read my books and did some laundry.  Today my classes start. I am taking a few history classes, one on the Korean War and another about the time in between WWI and WWII. I'm also taking two religious courses, one about reflective prayer and another abou...

Beautiful Days

  How are you? How has your week been?  We've had glorious weather this past week and every single day I am outside taking a walk and just drinking in the coolness and the soft signs of fall. Supposedly this weekend will be chilly, I am all in! Some of the trees are turning ever so slightly. When I walk in the morning, I am delighted to wave 'hi' to the school bus as it drives by.  My non-credit classes start next week and just like when I was a younger, I am eager for school to start. If you have a local university check out to see if they offer any classes for older adults - it is very enriching. I've made so many friends and of course I'm learning new stuff. I've realized that I like learning just about anything. I do try to choose classes where I do not have to participate much. Just dump the information into my head!  Holly continues to be a very brave cat. She will sometimes come and visit us during dinner for some pets. She loves to walk through the famil...

Spread Joy

  Before I even get into spreading joy, look at that beautiful array of Halloween stuff! The seasons are changing and I am ready for it. This past week, my husband and I have been doing after dinner walks since the weather has been so very nice. I know it's going to be hot again, but for now I can pretend Fall is around the bend. I continue to do my daily morning walks without a dog and now they can approach a cardio workout. Frodo was s l o w. My elbow is improving but it aches a lot if I do stuff. I won't even say 'over do it' it just all depends. By the end of the day I'm like 'oof'. I see the ortho doctor for a check up and I hope I either have physical therapy or clearance to do whatever I wish. Yesterday, I decided to spread joy. I went to our local farmer's market and had a fruit basket made up so I could take it over to the vet and her staff to thank them for all that they did for Frodo. They were all so happy and I found out that two other dogs ...


  How was your weekend? Both Saturday and Sunday were relaxing and chill. I worked on the above sock each evening while during the day I worked on my sweater. Nothing super exciting happened over the weekend. That makes it the perfect weekend for me!! The weather was so humid and warm that it was challenging for me to feel my very best. This week is going to be hot and I need to accept that summer is here to stay. That doesn't stop me from wishing for fall to arrive though.  Below is a beautiful photo of Holly looking so pretty. She is an elusive cat, but sometimes she sits and poses for a photo. Yesterday was one of those days. How was your weekend?

Around Here

  Around here, I've been going to my non-credit classes and keeping up with various appointments. Yesterday, we went to the Carnegie Museum of Art and walked around the galleries. We love going there every month or so. After a lunch out, we headed home so I could take Frodo out for his daily walk. We continue to have daily sunshine and now I'm focused on the singing birds on my daily walks. Sometimes I remember to pull out my merlin app to identify the birds but frequently I'm not fast enough to catch the recording. Tonight we might have some snow, we will see about that. Around here, I'm knee deep in baby blanket knitting mode, trying to make steady progress so I can finish the project. I've been reading a graphic novel, Grass by  Keum Suk Gendry-Kim. My non-fiction read is Battle Cry of Freedom by James McPherson. Both are really good, I'm sure the non-fiction book will take months to read. Holly has been quite social and says 'hi'.