Hold Dear to my Heart
For over thirty years I've carried this rosary given to me by my favorite aunt. The aunt that is knit worthy, who is my godmother and my confirmation sponsor all those years ago. I was thirteen years old when I received the sacrament of Confirmation. My parents had a picnic party out in the back yard after the ceremony and I remember my aunt giving me this rosary to mark my entrance into the Catholic faith and the sunny day with cherry blossoms in the air. My youth surrounding me and my future yet unknown. This rosary has been tucked in my purse and followed me through my high school years and college years, moving from state to state early on in my marriage. I've held it close to me during challenging times. This rosary was a source of strength when my mother died in my thirties. Many emergency room visits with a son who was accident prone and a mother with a knack for making worrying a full time job. I carry this rosary an...