Knitting News and a Read Along

Since arriving home on Sunday, I've been relishing my 'homebody' state of mind. Traveling is difficult for me at times - I crave the sameness of my everyday. Yet I want to see places and do things! That is why a weekend getaway is the best. My knitting has been the same. I'm on the first sleeve of my sister's cardigan . I'm confident this sweater will be off the needles within two weeks, okay, maybe three weeks if I'm busy. green sheen! The Holey Rectangle shawl is zipping along. In a few more inches, I'll be deciding if the rectangle is wide enough. I know blocking will make it wider but still, nothing wrong in reassessing. I have a feeling all will be well. My daughter invited me to participate in a read along with her for a classic novel during the month of May. We discussed reading a classic novel together but could not decide on which classic novel. She chose The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor...