How Does Your Garden Grow?
This year my husband made two raised beds. He placed newspaper down after he weedwacked (I think that is a verb!) and then lots and lots of topsoil......yes, we did buy dirt-lots of it! It has been 10 years since we have had a garden. At that time, I was the gardener. I did enjoy it very much but I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (managed perfectly with meds) and gardening is one of those activities that flares my condition. So I "retired" from gardening. I have missed fresh vegetables and checking the progress of plants. Lucky for us my husband has become interested. So with my knowledge and superior supervising skills (ha ha ha) we have started it up again. Believe me I will have no problem eating the produce.... We went to a local greenhouse and had a fun time picking out what to plant. I know we will have too many tomatoes and peppers but still it was fun and we can always give away the produce, right? Yes, that is...