
How Does Your Garden Grow?

This year my husband made two raised beds.  He placed newspaper down after he weedwacked (I think that is a verb!) and then lots and lots of topsoil......yes, we did buy dirt-lots of it!  It has been 10 years since we have had a garden.  At that time, I was the gardener.  I did enjoy it very much but I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (managed perfectly with meds) and gardening is one of those activities that flares my condition.  So I "retired" from gardening.  I have missed fresh vegetables and checking the progress of plants. Lucky for us my husband has become interested.  So with my knowledge and superior supervising skills (ha ha ha) we have started it up again.  Believe me I will have no problem eating the produce.... We went to a local greenhouse and had a fun time picking out what to plant.  I know we will have too many tomatoes and peppers but still it was fun and we can always give away the produce, right? Yes, that is...


This weekend included: -another performance by our son -graduation from high school -a mass for the high school graduates at our church with a reception~more CAKE! -a graduation picnic at the girlfriend's house~more CAKE! -buying lots of dirt (top soil) for two raised beds (I am hoping that we buy our plants today or tomorrow) -lots of smiling, laughing and socializing -list making for the graduation party we are having for both kids this weekend (eek!) -knitting on the eternal sweater....... Joining Amanda at habit of being

Jelly Jar

I remember collecting these jelly jars for the kids so we could have two of each four designs. There was one design that was "rare" and we would scour the display hoping to make the set. I think it was 13-14 years ago!  We still use these for juice in the morning or a pretty daisy :)

Beauty Surrounds

This morning is so beautiful!  It was so nice to get the newspaper and not suffocate from the heat and humidity.  These flowers are all in our front flower bed except the wild rose.  The rose bush is on the hillside and volunteers to beautify the driveway.  My husband just created this bed last summer.  Instead of rototilling (spell checker does not like this word)  or digging up the sod, he laid lots of newspapers and and then inches of mulch.  We could not believe how well this work and we did not use any pesticide.  So if you are in the mood for cutting corners, give it a try!  

Yarn Along

~sigh~  I am still reading the Help.  I read at night and for some reason I am a slow reader and I frequently fall asleep while reading.  Maybe I should blame my slow reading on my busy life? Or maybe just tiredness? Anyways, this is a very excellent book.  I highly recommend it and I am hoping that my daughter reads it after me.  I am also flipping through the Spring and Summer issues of Interweave Knits and Vogue Knitting.  I think I like the yarn ads as much as the patterns :) As for knitting, I am on the second sleeve (hip hip hooray!) of the Valley Cardigan .  The end is near and I can almost see the sweater now.  I also bought some pretty awesome buttons when visiting my sister in Pittsburgh.  Actually, she picked them out!  Can't wait to sew those buttons on and be done with this project. On another monumental event.......I have packed my very LAST lunch box for my son.  This is the last week of school, and he graduates on...

Celebrating a Sleeve

Ta da!  I am almost done with one sleeve!  I think I need a ticker tape parade  (I remember them, do you?)  I am motivated once again to work on this project.  I will not start another project until this one is done.  For some reason the cuff took forever.  Once I picked up the stitches for the sleeve it went faster.  


This weekend contained: -saving a toad from the skimmer of the pool -opening the pool (no one has been in....yet!) -focusing on knitting my cashmere cardigan sleeves -sketching out a menu for THE graduation party for both kids in two weeks -finally purchasing a swing for the patio (this took more than three years-I quit being picky) -tolerating very high humidity -a Memorial Day birthday (our son is 18 years old today!) -more cake -enjoying last couple of days our daughter is off before she starts her summer job Joining Amanda at Habit of Being