

Saturday was spent watching   I Love Lucy  reruns and lots and lots of knitting.  My mother loved to watch this show and it seems my daughter finds it quite hilarious.  Could this be genetic?  Who knows, but it was funny to watch.  Ethyl was wearing a lovely shrug that happens to be back in style. Some time ago (sorry cannot remember when) my husband and I watched Act I of Fiddler on the Roof   but never finished the musical.  You can guess what we viewed Saturday night.  For some reason I do not recall the musical being so sad.  Keep in mind, I got the pleasure of hearing "Tradition" being sung by my husband the rest of the evening.  Always entertaining and a mood lifter! Sunday was church then the never ending laundry chores.  In a couple of weeks (gasp!) I will only be washing clothes for two.  It boggles my mind and I wonder if I will adjust to less laundering. Time will tell, I guess.  Joining Amanda at Habit...

This Moment~Evergreen

Joining Amanda at Soulemama .

Knitting Around

A few of you have asked what my daughter is knitting.  So I snapped some photos to show everyone.  The cowl she just finished this weekend she started last October.  It was hibernating for quite some time in her dorm room then her room. I think it was half way done.  This is the pattern  and she used some of my left over Malabrigo Worsted doubled up.   She just started the hat (above) three days ago.  The yarn is Galway and here is the pattern .  This is her first time using circulars and also doing K2tog and SSK.  So far, so good.  Once she gets to the crown of the hat she will have to use double pointed needles.  She is planning on taking some (I hope a lot) of my unwanted yarn stash and knit stuff. I have about three inches done on the body of the featherweight cardigan .  I am just chugging along on my sweater.  I am very pleased with being on size four needles (I think the pattern calls for six!).  It has a...

Yarn Along

Can you believe it is August 3rd?  I can't, the summer has flown by for me.  Now if only the super hot sticky weather would fly by I would be in heaven.  This week for the yarn along I am reading Anne of the Island.   Anne Shirley is at college and enjoying her friends and is still not quite sure she likes/loves Gilbert. We all know they are destined to be together why is she the last to know?  I am loving the series and the happy attitude of Anne.   For knitting, I am working on my featherweight cardigan .  I am now on the body and am loving every single stitch of stockinette!  I can watch tv or talk or do both!  My daughter has picked up her knitting (GASP) and I am able to help her without stopping my knitting.  I would love to be knitting some complex lace shawl but it is all working out with the demands of my family.  My other project is the moss road scarf  which is a gift for my father in law.  I pick this up when...

Don't Fence Me In

Two or three weeks ago, our dear Frodo started toescape from the fenced in yard.  Ah, the joys of owning a little dog.  We watched him and discovered that he slipped under the fence.  So my dear husband boarded up the areas where we think he escaped. The lawn is quite uneven for half of our property and we couldn't lower the fence so we used boards which were our old flooring in our previous house, up-cycling at its finest!  I will not mention how many times I complained about hauling old wood and questioning why we kept it.  Ahem. This past Saturday after a long day out shopping for dorm/apartment living, we were all sitting by the pool and relaxing when we saw Frodo slip out THROUGH the fence not under it.  He can fit through 3 3/4 inch opening!!!  Now I do not know if he has figured out he has to go feet first and not head first.  But we firmly have matched wits with a miniature schnauzer.  So we went to Lowe's and problem solved. ...


My weekend: -We did more shopping for the fall season with both kids going off to school.  All the clothes shopping is done, hurray! -We discovered that Frodo is actually Houdini in disguise.  More securing the compound..... -My husband and I went out for ice cream, both kids out and about, a sign of our quiet future. -I massively cleaned bathrooms, bedrooms and the guest room became a dumping ground for dorm/apartment shopping. -My sister and her family are visiting next weekend -I have to clean the guest room!! -More knitting and my daughter picked up her knitting (smile!) -I helped her also piece together a quilt she started last year.  The goal is to have it all quilted by next week so my sister can help with the binding.... -I bought another knitting magazine and flipped through it and found a couple patterns that might be in my future. Joining Amanda at Habit of Being

This Moment~ Inside Looking Out

Joining Amanda at Soulemama  for This Moment.