Saturday was spent watching I Love Lucy reruns and lots and lots of knitting. My mother loved to watch this show and it seems my daughter finds it quite hilarious. Could this be genetic? Who knows, but it was funny to watch. Ethyl was wearing a lovely shrug that happens to be back in style. Some time ago (sorry cannot remember when) my husband and I watched Act I of Fiddler on the Roof but never finished the musical. You can guess what we viewed Saturday night. For some reason I do not recall the musical being so sad. Keep in mind, I got the pleasure of hearing "Tradition" being sung by my husband the rest of the evening. Always entertaining and a mood lifter! Sunday was church then the never ending laundry chores. In a couple of weeks (gasp!) I will only be washing clothes for two. It boggles my mind and I wonder if I will adjust to less laundering. Time will tell, I guess. Joining Amanda at Habit...