This weekend contained: -SNOW! I love it and I sat most of Saturday knitting and watching it fall :) -a dinner out with my husband at a new local favorite restaurant, their french fries are fantastic. -a movie night watching Frankenstein (1931) I was not scared one little bit and could not stop smiling because I kept thinking of Young Frankenstein . -last night we watched a new show from NatGeo titled: The Incredible Dr. Pol . Now this show I watched through my fingers (I am very squeamish when it comes to blood) and it is not a show for little kiddies, however his love of animals and his vocation shines through. -guess what-----I found the lost mitts!! They were in the hall closet that I searched twice before in a place I already checked.....I am apparently blind these days. -lots of thinking of what I have to get knitted up for the holidays....they are looming closer each day and I need to get to it. I think I need two more gifts made in November, ...