
This Moment

Joining Amanda


While my husband and I were out and about over the weekend, I stumbled across this fabulous find.  A HUGE bread box.  The very best part was the price---three dollars!!  Can you believe it??  I know, I think they mispriced the item.  I've seen less desirable bread boxes for $20. I washed it with just dish detergent and let it air dry.  So of course I'm not going to keep bread in it, that's just silly.  I thought it would make an excellent candy box.  (candy is a staple in this house, just one piece with put a smile on anyone's face). Once I brought it home, I then had to think of where to put it in the kitchen because it really is large.  I rearranged the cook book nook to make room for the box.  Lovely! What have you found on your outings? Joining Lady Cordelia

Yarn Along

See that?  Yep, there is some sparkle in those socks.  Sometime last year I was shopping at a yarn store with my daughter and she picked out this yarn for socks.  It is definitely not something I would pick out.  However, I have to admit it is fun to be knitting with socks that twinkle-and the striping pattern is way better than I thought it would ever be.  Ravelry notes are here .  My other knitting project is the hawthorne sweater  which I started in January.  I want it out of my project bag.  I am nearly done with the body of the sweater then it's on to sleeves!!  As I knit this I pretend I am knitting something for spring...Oh and I finished my Destiny shawl , maybe a big winter storm will arrive and I will wear it?  Well there is next year, I suppose. Major Pettigrew's Last Stand  is my current read and it is surprisingly good.  It is not your average romance novel.  There are many subplots that keep me want...

Destiny Shawl Complete

Saturday night, I casted off over 400 stitches, phew!  I started to time it but then forgot to check my finish time....oh well.  Trust me it was quite a while.  I am sure you recall this is the Color Affliction Shawl .  It is a fantastic knit.  The construction is all garter stitch with increases occurring at each end.  Also the designer throws in some short row shaping. It is the short row shaping, garter stitch and three different colors that make this project FUN.  I have a deep appreciation for garter stitch.  In my youth it was the ugly stitch. Not any more, it is classy and completely under appreciated. I used finch yarn made by Quince and Co , which by the way has incredible customer service. I received the yarn quickly and it was wrapped in tissue paper-love that! Finch is fingering weight and has a slightly higher twist than my usual array of yarns.  It has a wonderful springiness when knitting.  I love the way ...


sunrise This weekend was one of the best for no particular reason. Friday, I waited for my husband to get out of work early so we could go to the library and then pick up some Chinese food, which was beyond delicious!  I also borrowed more books than I can read in my allotted time.  That's okay, I like to stretch myself. I can renew at least once :) Saturday we had a lazy morning, I sat and read.  I am amazed that my reading comprehension improves significantly when I am awake.  Why oh why do I not do it more often?  This week I am trying to read every morning because it's good.  There was some thrift stores visited but I'm saving that news for Thursday-gotta keep everyone in suspense. Saturday evening we made homemade pizzas that were delicious.  dough, sauce.....mmmmmmm, I always have mushrooms and olives.  Then we watched Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan -Fabulous!!!   My favorite quote by Kahn "He tasks me. He tasks me and I...

This Moment

(Frodo wishes you a wonderful weekend!) Joining Amanda


Today I am flashing back to the late eighties....I hope I'm not dating myself.  My husband and I used to live in Ohio, which by the way, has fantastic flea markets!  We would always go on a Saturday and spend many hours walking around.  In the building were the "regulars" and their stuff never changed much. But outside!!  Outside was just like a garage sale all in one big opened field!  On a sunny day, you could lose yourself browsing.  My husband was always on the look out for vinyl records.  I was just looking.  I had nothing in particular in my mind. These spice shakers were discovered by me for a whole $3 dollars :D  That is including the little shelf they sit on.  I have hung them in my kitchen in six different homes (we moved around a lot back then). And that completes my flashback to the eighties.... Joining Lady Cordelia