
Menu Planning Challenges

After my joyous return to home and bathing in its lovely comfort, I wrote up a few things that needed to be done.  I tend to put off menu planning because it's a challenge for me.  Now that I'm doing the 30 Day Vegan workshop offered by Heather at Beauty that Moves , I'm motivated to meet what I consider stumbling blocks. First and foremost I am the only one doing the vegan challenge.  My husband loves new dishes but also love to eat meat a few times a week.  For quite some time I've cooked separate dishes for that reason.  The other reason is because of my lactose intolerance.  Our son is home only one more week and he has many meals that are his favorites that I want to cook for him and alas, many are not vegan either.  So you see my dilemma! Yesterday I sat down and wrote out some meals that I know could be flexible for everyone.  Here's what I came up with: -burgers and fries -chili with cornbread or bread -curry -lentil soup (yum!...

Yarn Along

We had an active weekend so my reading time was sparse.  I continue to enjoy this book, The Midwife,  and find her career fascinating. She is very frank about her experiences and frequently describes them with many senses.  I get quite the chuckle when she mentions how nauseated she gets by overwhelming smells.  Glad I'm not the only one ;) I am on the body of my same same cardigan .  What time I lacked in reading over the weekend was spent knitting.  I love that you can knit with a group of people and it's socially acceptable.  Lucky for me, my knitting did not require any great thinking on my part.  Now that the sleeves are set aside, each row is a breeze to knit.  The body knitting will not be boring because I have to remember three details:  1) the button holes!!! 2) waist shaping and 3) the pleats along the side seams.  If you are an advanced knitter or an adventurous intermediate knitter, who is comfortable with instructi...

Around Here

I thought you would like to see Frodo's enemies.  There they are basking in the sun while Frodo was still at the kennel.  Unfortunately for the rabbits he is now safely home and this afternoon he will once again bark and disturb their zen life.  This weekend was spent in the car, a lot.  I find I'm getting tired of long car rides and traveling.  But this sacred place is not where I want to whine so....onto the happy! This is our garden.  We have spinach and lettuce sprouting-both my favorites.  We have rabbit proofed one raised bed so our produce is safe from those pesky nibblers.  I'm dreaming of salads to be once we can harvest! Remember my rotting tree stump that I think is beautiful?  Well....someone has been at it.  Look at the whole that is on the side of it!!  We are thinking it was a bear-the stump has been active with ants since last autumn.  The wood chips are at least 1 inch big so I'm doubting it was a ...

Intentions and Peacefulness

At the beginning of this week, I started a 30 day vegan workshop offered by Heather at Beauty that Moves .  My intention is to be open minded and to try new dishes along with being mindful of how I feel during the day.  I participated last year and felt like I "failed" because I was only 100% vegan for four days.  My approach is completely different this time around.  I'm facing each meal as it presents itself and making choices.  I'm being flexible and kind.  So far I've been successful.  I love the retreat feeling of the workshop and eagerly await the daily postings.  It would be lovely if this new plant based diet would have a positive impact on my arthritis. My days have been fluid almost suspended with peacefulness.  My son is home for a few weeks before he starts his summer research program, so we've fallen into a quite easy routine-just the three of us.  It's nice having him home for a bit.  The dorm room messes ha...

Yarn Along

A week ago, shortly after finishing this shawl , I decided to cast on another shawl.  If you know me, you know I love tiny needles and lace weight yarn and I tend to have a project on the needles at all times to satisfy my knitting desires.  When I saw this shawl in the "hot right now" category while noodling around Ravelry, I knew I had to cast on.  It's simple and it grows and it's a half circle, a perfect summer project! My ravelry page is here . The Midwife  by Jennifer Worth is an excellent memoir and a lovely read.   Call the Midwife TV series  is based on this book. (you really should be watching the show as well).  As I read this book I feel like she is personally talking to me face to face maybe over a cup of tea.  I am getting a history lesson without knowing I am and that's the kind of history lessons I like.  It's interesting to read how the tenement housing conditions were in the mid 1950's also with lifestyle choices and ...

Honey Sunflower Shawl

I finished this little shawlette last week and wanted to share it with you.  I was gifted a lovely skein of Cima  for Christmas (thanks sis!) and scoured Ravelry for a project.  This beautiful skein had only 328 yards which made it a challenge to find a pattern, but I did. My chart reading was off (user error) so I know where a tiny mistake is but I'm not telling :)  I love how the shawl turned out.  Oh and I must correct myself.  I stated a while back that everyone should knit with a wool silk blend.  Ahem, this is an alpaca wool blend....I could have sworn it had silk-it sure felt like it! I highly recommend the yarn, it was a joy to knit with.  The shawl pattern I would say is for an advanced knitter who is very confident with chart reading.  It's a beautiful pattern with a lovely lace design edging.  Oh and you can make the shawl bigger if you have more yardage.


I set off with my son to pick up my daughter so there could be some serious brother-sister bonding.  Schedules juggled and mission complete!  Car rides with new-to-me music courtesy of my son.  We tend to have similar tastes so it's an enjoyable listen. Last night we watched Silver Linings Playbook , if you haven't seen this movie yet you should.  I promise you will enjoy it immensely. Dinner out, dinner in, donuts bought, laundry piles, journal entries, Dr. Who watching, book rearranging, piano music playing and listening to Rent  that creates a most pleasant tune in my head "no day like today" rabbit hunting (this one is Frodo's weekend activity-he almost caught another one-we are calling him a warrior) and a wee bit of daydreaming which is the best stress reducer How was your weekend?