
Knitting Resolutions

Oh I've got lots to share with you.  First up is my big old pile of books that I received as gifts.  I am looking forward to starting the new year with some reading and more reading.  I'm not making a resolution to read a certain number of books in 2014. I'm toying with reading three or four books before purchasing another one.  I have so many books in my personal library that need my attention. I started this shawl some time before Christmas day. I've named it Tea and Jam  since I was watching Sound of Music with Julie Andrews (there can be no other).  It's a simple knit and quite addictive.  The yarn is from deep stash, I think three or four years old.  I bought it from a fiber festival and let's say the wool is rustic in it's feel.  I love the springiness but boy I sure do hope it softens up when it's soaked. I finished this hat before Christmas and so far I think my husband will be wearing it. The design is my own and it w...


My weekend days between holidays was full of: -sunrises captured with the big camera, oh how Frodo leaps when I grab the camera! -slowness and mindfulness as we near the end of the year -some lists created for the upcoming days -the thinning out of sweets, my waist is thanking me :) -rain, rain, rain -wistful longing of decluttering and organizing but having to wait -a curry dinner made by my husband giving me a wee bit more of knitting time -finishing a book and starting two, yes two books.  So decadent :) -knitting a hat, socks, and a shawl but mainly the shawl how was your weekend? Joining Amanda

The After

Good morning!  Have you all survived the holiday?  We are still in the midst of celebrating, tonight we have good friends coming to our house to share a meal together.  I'm looking forward to the evening.  However, there is more kitchen work to be done.  I feel like I've been away from this space for weeks and it's only been a few days.  I'm hoping to catch up with all of your posts in the next few days. Christmas Eve dinner is usually appetizers because Mass is at 5 p.m. and the thought of not eating until 8 p.m. is just crazy.  Don't forget I'm on the senior citizen eating schedule (even though I'm not a senior yet!).  So appetizers fit the necessity and for after Mass we had pumpkin pie with whipped cream piled high.  Yum! My son received this board game Go!  I played on Christmas day, and I lost.  I have to be honest but I am fantastic at games with words.  This game was like connect the dots but more complex ...

Wishing You

Merry Christmas!!  Wishing all of you lots of love, luck, health and happiness during this magical season :)  May the spirit of giving and joy be with you always.


Can you believe that Christmas is only two days away?  Seems like Advent flew by, well at least for me.  My weekend was kind of slow and yet felt busy.  I think it's because I'm cooking every day.  Don't forget that I do an early morning tidy of the coffee table that isn't too bad right now.  Christmas day will be at it's worse. Every day we have watched a holiday movie as a family.  Last minute shopping has been finished, all the presents are wrapped.  The baking has been completed on an as needed basis.  That system is working for me and avoiding weight gain.  I'm knitting small projects for a small attention span.  Yesterday it was warm for a walk with a spring jacket-unheard of! In the above photo on the table is an origami   menger sponge  that my son is building for the fun of it out of post it notes. I think he is 1/3 done?  Not sure.  There are a LOT of post it notes going into this! How was your ...

The Santa List

yesterday while out with Frodo  I'm in a list making kind of mood and so I give you the Santa List: Nice: -hot tea in my Christmas mug every single day in December -my chocolate chip cookies -having both children home -the new dog groomer that Frodo LOVES (and so do I) -Amanda's writing prompts-you can find them here , every morning I write one page in my notebook. -real life friends and friends I've met through this blog -wrapped and ready for the big day -my simple lace knitting-I can easily pick it up and put it down and it's lace weight -Christmas movie time -cooking for four people -being excited about a few surprise gifts for my family -Brussel Sprouts and green beans, not together but both delicious -my morning time alone in the quiet Naughty: -washing dishes for four people -doing lots and lots of laundry -the mess on the coffee table -those cookies that I love, restraint is so difficult. -where are the left overs???  having to cook ...

Lace Knitting Happy

You would imagine that my knitting is from a pattern in this book, but it is not.  I have been starting and ripping out some lace designs for the past few days, I believe I am happy with what I am knitting now.  It's a 12 row lace repeat that is easily memorized from Barbara Walker's book (not shown) with a garter stitch edging.  Simple, easy, and knitting with oh so divine silkpaca yarn that my sister gifted me last year. As we near the holidays I am motivated to explore my collection of yarns, to use what is at hand.  There is a list growing of projects I'd like to cast on, yarns I want to "knit doodle" with, and now that we are nearing the big holiday, there were will be spans of time to be in my happy place. The book is a present from my sister.  She knows what I like to knit and I have been thrilled to flip through the book, trying not to drool over could be would be lace projects!  I like that the lace designs are in different weights of yarn....