

Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments    in the comment section with a link to your blog. How was your weekend?  This weekend welcomed back the heat and humidity, sigh.  I know I was bragging about the cool air and sort of gloated on about it.  Well I guess that is now flipped on me, I am hot and hiding in the AC, dreaming of cooler days. There hasn't been much rain for quite some time, the duck pond that I daily pass on a walk is at an all time low level, the poor goose can walk across the pond now.  Our pool needs water, but my husband is reluctant to fill it only to drain it to a lower level to close it. Hey!  Guess what?  We celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary yesterday!  We went out to a new for us restaurant for lunch then went over to our dear friend's house for dinner.  Their daughter says thank ...

Sights and Sounds of Late Summer Days

Oh this week has been glorious, the humidity gone, and a brisk chill is in the air in the mornings.  I know, I know, it's too early for this change.  Well, don't worry, the warm weather will be back tomorrow almost reaching 90 degrees once more.  I'm at peace with another warm up, you see, I know that these warm ups are limited now. This week was the start of school in our area and with that is a bit of stillness and silence.  Even the cicadas are being quiet..maybe they're in school as well!  I used to love when school started, new pens, pencils, notebooks and new teachers.  I felt comforted being wrapped in a schedule with syllabuses. I finished the hat for my dear friend's daughter, thank you for your well wishes and comments, I've passed them on.  Oh and she loved the hat!!  Currently, I'm am resting a sore forearm from all the aggressive knitting that I did.  The pain was worth it though.  I can still knit but I know m...

Currently on the Needles

I started a new project on Monday for a dear friend's daughter.  She had unexpected surgery and well, I couldn't do anything but knit.  Each stitch I thought of her and sent many healing thoughts her way.  She is back at home and I am hopeful I will have a finished hat to give to her today. According to Ravelry this is my sixth Wurm hat....I guess I like the pattern!  Have you knit it?  You should!!  My only warning is that the hat pattern uses lots and lots of yardage!  Anyways, I adore miles of garter stitch and the yarn and the pattern all melded together. Oh and I finished that cowl and posted about it yesterday. I finished my plague book!  I loved it and recommend A Year of Wonders ,  it's good.  Yesterday I started a new book We are not Ourselves  by Matthew Thomas.  I've read a few chapters and so far love the characters and unfolding plot. What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Fro...

Striped Cowl Complete

I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am that this cowl is off the needles.  I love the way it looks and I'm glad I knit it up.  All I need now is a crisp breeze and some cooler weather. I started this when I needed something simple to knit while the wedding stress increased.  Once the wedding was over this simple knit became super boring for me.  So half of the project I loved knitting and the second half I was wishing that knitting was over. Ravelry notes are here .


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments    in the comment section with a link to your blog. My weekend was the vacation while staying home each night.  Day trips filled with friends who are like (are) family. I breathed in that woodsy smell and enjoyed being in nature. The humidity has left for now and it feels different, almost not like summer but not like fall.  I like it! I am ready to wear jeans again (without sweating) and maybe some wool?  Ah, a girl can dream. On Friday, I visited two yarn shops that are a drive away with my husband.  I haven't been yarn shopping in quite some time.  Since Thanksgiving??  I can't remember.  When I buy lots of yarn I feel the need to knit through the collection.  Anyways, I had a great time, too many choices but I did pick some and don't ask what I'm making....I have no ...

Rainy days, Packing and Saying Goodbye

I finished this cowl!  But I haven't had time to do it's dedicated photo shoot, maybe early next week.  I've been knitting frantically every moment I've had free.   Yesterday the rain arrived and with the thunderstorms came my frizzy, swirly, wonky hair.  Oh I don't know why I battle it so.  We all want what we cannot have.  So with each hour passing I tried to avoid looking in the mirror. My husband and I drove to the newlyweds apartment to load up the "pod".  I believe my husband loved eking out every square inch of that space.  We took lots of photos, of a pod loaded up.  There is beauty in precision. When we started loading up, half of us was doubtful (my husband and me) one of us was positive (my son-in-law) and my daughter had no opinion one way or the other.  I loved the moment when we all thought, 'that's it, nothing more will fit, what should be sacrificed and left behind' to 'oh!  let's see if those chairs do fit...

Currently on the Needles

My knitting has been fast and furious and yet I'm still knitting that cowl !  I am quite close to being finished and probably would have finished yesterday if life didn't get in the way.  Sometimes I would love to knit all the time and let the errands and tasks of life sit in the back seat. So while I had that cowl staring me down saying "finish me, finish me".  I cast on those socks I've been meaning to start.  I loved grabbing my dpns and going at it.  The yarn is a an oldie but a goodie from the deepest part of my stash.  I love the red stripe the best.  I'm just knitting a plain old sock pattern that is memorized in my head for my foot size.  Super easy knitting :) My plague book, Year of Wonders, is really good.  Who knew that a disease spreading throughout a small village would captivate my attention.  I love reading about how they treated that mysterious disease back then and how the people reacted with the threat of illn...