Preparing the Way

After a wonderful family visit last week where I was happily with all my children, I'm back once again at home (home sweet home) and I have been vigilantly working through my tasks and errands. Monday and Tuesday were a blur of playing catch up after being out of town. Also, after ignoring sinus issues for more than two weeks, I contacted my doctor and started some antibiotics. I must say, I love that I truly believe I can kick a virus with a compromised immune system. That proves that I am a "glass half full" kind of gal. My house is decorated and today I have a few photos to share. I love the season of Advent and the preparing my home for company and preparing my heart for reflections of peace and love during this season. I bought the above flicker candles during my holiday visit and they are fantastic. I love that they are battery operated and yet look real to me. Every night, I am filled with joy just looking at them, you should buy so...