Shawl Knitting and Super Secret Projects

Wednesday morning, already! Today I have a doctor's appointment for my RA, it's just a six month touch base visit. Overall, I'm good, there is that. It's been a year since I had that whopping flare - I hope to never do that again. The flare stopped me from knitting and made me sad. Knitting is my salvation and sanity, so I am thankful every single time I'm sitting and knitting without pain or limited mobility. My gratitude never wanes. These spring-like days have me looking more towards colorful wools in place of neutrals. I haven't cast on anything new, but I dream about it often. The left over various wool bits in the above photo are going to be little quick knitting projects that sadly will be secret until after Easter. So you can use your imagination! I've been knitting like a demon on my pebble beach shawl , inching closer to the lace details. I do love when I get into the groove of the pattern. So refr...