Knitting News
I'm reading some light and easy books this week, you know, summer reading. I love the pick it up and put it down ease and the low-thinking impact. I know when the end of August arrives, I'll be craving some serious literary writing. I bought the victorian book on my beach vacation after a delightful old house tour. If you ask me, we could all do with more manners - where did they go? Last night I separated the sleeves from the body on my beloved cardigan . The mindless stockinette is nicely paired with a murder mystery on TV or with a kindle book (kindles stay open on my lap). If you're analyzing my above photo, you will see a glimpse of a different coffee table. The square one is going to be refinished by my husband. I called my dad for detailed instructions (he refinished furniture professionally) and we (meaning he) are ready to go! I hit my limit of water marks on the table even when using sturdy coasters. Sadly, there ar...