Twists and Turns

Autumn keeps taking twists and turns with its fickle weather. Yesterday it was nearly 80 degrees (boo). I'm taking it all in stride - I know that the cold weather will be back soon. We drove to Newark DE on Tuesday and took the scenic route that was lovely, serene and oh so fallish beautiful. The scenic route is always better. Yesterday, we attended the Covered Bridges Arts Festival at Knoebels . I ate food more than I shopped the craft displays and I wish that it was the other way around. Walking through the pavilions, I'm inspired to craft more. Having company here for the last few weeks has curtailed my creative pursuits and I'm itching to get back to my groove. Speaking of twists and turns, my back is acting up and I've been in some pain. I haven't been able to sit comfortably for two days so my knitting has been set aside temporarily. However, today I am feeling pretty good overall so maybe I'll knit a stitch or two at...