
Twists and Turns

Autumn keeps taking twists and turns with its fickle weather.  Yesterday it was nearly 80 degrees (boo).  I'm taking it all in stride - I know that the cold weather will be back soon.  We drove to Newark DE on Tuesday and took the scenic route that was lovely, serene and oh so fallish beautiful.  The scenic route is always better. Yesterday, we attended the Covered Bridges Arts Festival at Knoebels .  I ate food more than I shopped the craft displays and I wish that it was the other way around.  Walking through the pavilions, I'm inspired to craft more.  Having company here for the last few weeks has curtailed my creative pursuits and I'm itching to get back to my groove. Speaking of twists and turns, my back is acting up and I've been in some pain.  I haven't been able to sit comfortably for two days so my knitting has been set aside temporarily.  However, today I am feeling pretty good overall so maybe I'll knit a stitch or two at...

Knitting News

The sweater is off the needles and currently soaking in the sink.  I'll have the finished photos to show you next week.  I'm still in the midst of family in my house and the smallest tasks take me forever to get to because I'm doing something else. Looks like they will be moving into their new home sometime early next week?  No one's sure if their belongings will be there though! I was excited to capture the light of October a day or two ago - I love this part best when autumn rolls around.  The shifting light and the shadows that are cast during the day.  Bring it on!!


As you can guess, I'm going to tell you again about how busy I am.  I thought I'd be used to this but I guess I'm getting older and my energy levels aren't what they used to be.  No matter how busy I am, I am having fun.  Fall is once again back in business.  The maple trees are doing their thing - one of my favorite trees (the other is the mighty oak). Saturday we drove to Lewisburg PA to toodle about-shopping and walking around the town.  We had a great time!  I bought a few more drawing pencils that I will use once our daughter and son in law leave for their new home tentatively planned next weekend.  Lucky for us, there was a fall arts festival in the park that we wandered about. the cowl I knit for him! Yesterday, was relaxing (as in I knit A LOT) and we had dinner with friends.  All in all, a wonderful weekend with perfect fall like weather. How was your weekend?

The Fair

We had the opportunity to attend the fair this past week.  Ah, nothing like the sights and sounds of excitement.  I grew up without a fair since I grew up in the city.  I love the rural life I live and never tire of the blue ribbons awarded to gardeners and crafters.  I did not enter any of my knits, I never do. Truth is I'm too lazy to drive them there and pick them up!  However, I can appreciate other people's talents and I can get some nifty ideas. The downsize of attending the fair is the after effects of eating non-healthy food.  Sigh.  I need a salad, I crave a salad!  Thank goodness this event only happens once a year.  My body requires a year to recover from the decadence. If you know me at all, you know I gravitate to the barns to see the animals.  Sheep and goats are my absolute favorites.  My husband would love to own some farm animals - I just like the daydreaming portion but I doubt the reality of tending far...

Knitting News

my mom made the pumpkins years ago and I have no idea where she obtained the pattern :) Good morning!  I am in the midst of stage two of family visiting.  My brother in law and sister in law who arrived on Friday left yesterday morning.  I did the usual cleaning blitz of the house.  Last night we picked up our son in law (yay) and so now we wait for the movers to notify them when their belongings will be delivered.  They are excited about their new opportunity! Even though we've had lots of busy happenings, I've had oodles of time to work on the sweater .  I finished one sleeve and I'm half way through the second sleeve.  I threw the hat in the photo but to be honest, I might have knit a solitary row. Every row counts, right? My knitting list grows by the day but first we have to settle these newly transplanted east coast dwellers into their new home, the specific date to be determined.  Thank goodness knitting is portable :)


How was your weekend? Mine is still going strong.  I still have company here until Tuesday morning, then on Tuesday evening our son in law arrives in town.  Maybe every day will be feeling like a weekend around her.  We are in some kind of weird heat wave - it's not pretty my friends.  So a day or so ago, I documented the fall sightings.  They uplift my soul to see Mother Nature doing her thing in spite of hot weather. My weekend:  daughter home and healing - carrot cake! - dinner with the table full of family - laughter - endless busy days - lots of talking - lots of knitting too - late nights and early mornings - loving my family. I'd love for you to share your weekend in the comments if you're up to it.  Anything fun? or new?

Visitors and Happenings

See all that knitting up there?  I bet you a shiny new penny that will be my progress when I next blog.  Why you ask?  Well......she's here!  Our daughter arrived late Tuesday night after my husband drove to the philadelphia airport to pick her up.  She is here for two-ish weeks and my son in law arrives next Tuesday after finalizing the moving arrangements in California.  We will help them move to Delaware some time in the beginning of October (no definite dates...). My brother in law and sister in law from Ottawa are arriving today, as well as our son.  I will have a FULL house!  I am writing my lists and checking them twice.  A carrot cake is in the oven as I type this post, and once the timer buzzes, I'm off to run some last minute grocery store buys.  I might be ready then.   Maybe.  We'll see.  not in the mood for a photo but she was happy for this one!  The house is clean (sort of) and I have a menu ...