Knitting News

I'm mentally crumbling under my own self-imposed deadlines. Why do I do this to myself? I set some arbitrary goals then panic. So - today is about being realistic in my expectations and setting time aside daily to focus on making progress. I am one-third of the way through the gray hat knitting that is a gift. I can knit and read at the same time with this project so I'm sailing through the ribbing. This is the project that is not stressing me out, hats are fun and fast. I finished four washcloths from one skein of scrubby cotton. I'd like to knit four more from the other skein but it's okay that I don't knit them. This shawl is taking up mental space and somewhat stressful because I'd like to be finished and have it off the needles. I'm going to keep knitting and keep hoping I finish this project. Sadly, I cannot read and knit at the same time so this is the TV knitting project. You cannot see well, but there is ...