
Wordless Year

my son washi taped his computer top Hello!  How was your first week of 2018?  I've been running around every day this week and sometimes I wish I was at home with miles of time to knit.  However, the gym three times a week is so good for me.  I haven't felt this great in a long time and I'm motivated to keep going back again and again.  What a wonderful state of mind. linens my mom made that have a tiny bit of red stain that I've been getting out  I've been reading so many blogs that have a word for the year.  I'm not a one word person, never was.  You'd think I would be since I like writing and talking non stop.  However, settling on one ONE theme word is hard for me.   I have enjoyed reading everyone's words and their meaning.  I have a few resolutions but they are completely doable so it doesn't feel like an overhaul of my life.  I plan to cultivate a better way to practice mindfulness and imagining the be...

Knitting News

Good morning and it's the new year as well!  I'm sitting at my kitchen table wearing gym clothes and writing up this knitting post.  My knitting has picked up a bit, finally.  I find pockets of time each day to do many rows on the mittens .  Such fun to see the pattern emerge, and I hope that a gentle blocking will ease those bumpy knit stitches here and there (I think it will).  My son in law's sweater is getting to the secret sauce of pattern knitting - JOY!  After all that stockinette, I'm thrilled to be patterning and following directions.  Let's hope I continue to have smooth sailing with this knit.  I've been reading Everything I Never Told You  by Celeste Ng.  This has been on my to read list forever and I finally bought a copy.  So far it's a great read and I'm captivated by the various points of view by family members reflecting on a relative's unexpected suicide.  It's not as depressing as it sounds. ...


The last weekend of this year, can you believe it?  This year went fast for me, but to be honest every year goes fast for me the older that I get.  Aging does that.  We are in the deep freeze with low temperatures.  I'm wearing all the woolens.  All of them!  While I agree that 5 degrees is a tad too chilly, I'm enjoying this weather.  All you summer lovers will have your day soon enough. I decluttered the house and put away all the holiday decorations.  I usually wait until January first but this year I wanted them put away.  I started on the 29th and finished yesterday.  The house looks bigger, brighter and tidier.  I find it funny that when I decorate for the holidays the house looks cozy and warm.  The day after we open presents, my house looks crowded and messy.  Yesterday and today I had some pockets of knitting time that made me so happy.  Finally!  I had some free mental therapy as I worked o...

A New Rhythm to My Days

Hello!  I'm in disbelief that we've had company come and go.  Our daughter and son in law left yesterday morning and our son is here for one more week.  I'm slowly reclaiming my house.  As you recall, I de-Christmassed the front room so that Holly could have a room of her own.  She's been in there almost a week.  She comes out quicker from behind the sofa and sometimes I catch her sitting on the couch.  She's a funny bird, yesterday I snuck a peek, she spied me - did a silent hiss - then recognized me and stopped.  She still isn't too keen on Frodo.  I don't blame her, he is bigger and so noisy with barking and non-stop movement.  I wish I could explain to her that he is being so so good.  He has stopped barking at the baby gate.  Progress! He desperately wants to interact with her, she wants nothing of it.  As I said on instagram 'baby steps'. the mess!  I've eased into a new rhythm during my days. ...

Knitting News

I have the same two projects on my needles - my son in law's sweater and a pair of socks .  Naturally, I forgot to photo the progress of those so you'll have to use your imagination.  I received for Christmas from my husband a mitten kit from Tanis Fiber Arts  because Steph mentioned the kit. Ah, knitters who enable knitters, what could be better than that? a lovely unexpected gift from a dear friend, thank you!  I wanted to cast on the mitten kit on Christmas day but sadly, both of my size 2 dpns are currently being used.  One pair for a pair of socks and another pair are whisking up a cozy for a Starbucks thermos.  Photos of the cozy thermos will hopefully be on Friday, if I remember. In my defense, my house is full of family and I'm still in the throes of cooking, cleaning, planning menus, kitten care, Frodo loving,  etc...  I haven't had much time to knit or remember to take photographs. all ready for me!


Merry Christmas Eve!  As promised, I'm doing a quick post to wish all of you Merry Christmas and happy holidays.  My house is full of company and like many of you I'm swimming in details of a long to do list. my son's 3-D print project and painting  I have the menu plan for a Christmas eve appetizer dinner - I'll have some help from the family but it's all on me to remember everything. My added to-do item is kitten-proofing the front room today.  Holly needs some freedom, so I'm putting the Christmas decorations and the little tree away so that she can be F R E E.  I hope she likes it.  Right now she is hiding under the sofa, I hope in 24 hours she loves her new space.  I was trying to wait until January 1st, but gosh, she is getting bigger and bigger.  We have her sit with us in the family room many times during the day to socialize with Frodo and us.  We have the lap sitting down to a science.  cannot remember the vide...

Life Adjustments

Tomorrow night, our daughter and son in law arrive and the festivities begin!  Am I ready?  Well, let's just say I'm as ready as I'll every be.  I should be baking some chocolate chip cookies but I'm writing a post with a kitten on my lap and that is where I want to be.  Holly Berry and Frodo are getting along pretty well for less than two weeks.  I babysit for Frodo's groomer who is a dog trainer and she knows everything.  I arrived at work this morning and just gave all the worries and fears to her.  She told me I should relax (HA!).  Seriously though, she thinks everything is going great.  So we are moving forward to getting these two pets used to each other. Holly LOVES under the tree on the satin skirt getting closer, one is chill the other is confused  I've hit a rhythm to my days that feels like a rhythm I've had forever.  I'm learning to let some duties go and I'm embracing the kitten cuddles and kitten stare...