Yearning for Spring

I ordered two skeins of Anchor Bay yarn from Webs for the toddler cardigan, I was delighted to cast on Wednesday night and have solely knit on this project. I'd love to finish this cardigan within a week or so. Easy! How was your week? Our son has been here for his spring break, so my mornings have been either working or going to the gym and my afternoons have been doing something with him while he is here. We've had lunch out one day, gone shopping locally and then there is just sitting and talking. I'm not sure when he leaves, either Saturday or Sunday. My intention this week has been to 'be in the moment'. I've been successful most of the time. Part of the success is to have no expectations whatsoever. I'm keeping up with the kitchen dishes and am valiantly ignoring the coffee table mess. (dare I say the mess isn't so bad?). Okay, I have a confession. I am yearning for spring - there I sa...