Hot Pink Shawl

I finished this shawl last week for my mother in law's Christmas present. She loves to receive hand knitted gifts, in fact she used to be an avid knitter before her eyesight started to fail. I know she will love this bright pink shawl. I chose a pattern I've knit before because I wanted 'comfort' knitting. You know what I mean, just easy to follow, easy to execute because you've knitted it again and again. I repeated the first chart four times instead of twice, then spent lots of time on the last chart wondering if I had enough yarn. Call me crazy, but I love when I'm not sure I have enough yarn (but think I do...). The wool, Ella Rae Lace Marino , was wonderful! This skein was soft and squishy when I bought it and was a pleasure to knit up. As you can see, the blocking did its magic and the wool blossomed. Ravelry notes are here