Knitting News

I finished the Valley socks are finished! (yay) I'm on the first sleeve of my fair isle sweater . I love working on this project and will be a little sad when I'm done. But I'm not done so I'm still happy! My son's blanket is growing as well. I achieved a great photo with the iphone instead of the big camera. Maybe the sun peeking out today helped a bit in my shadowy house. I'm in the last 200 pages of George Washington. I've enjoyed this book immensely however, it's a dense read and each sentence is dripping with information so it takes awhile to get through. I do recommend this book if you want to learn more about the first president and the beginnings of the United States. Earlier this week I started reading March and so far I like it. I've read one other of Geraldine Brooks (can't remember the title!). Her writing flows and the research she does for historical fiction shows. Anoth...