
Raven Cowl

I finished this cowl yesterday afternoon and promptly dashed upstairs to soak and block it out on my bedroom floor.  I had such fun knitting this pattern.  My modifications are few, I used the same size needles throughout figuring the blocking magic would fix minor variations in gauge (and it did!). As I stated previously, I'm not a fan of bobbles and avoid them whenever I can.  So for bobbles I replaced a simple yarn over knit two together.  Because of this decision, I saved a ton of yarn and had enough to execute the entire pattern. This pattern would be great for an adventurous beginner to learn new techniques and explore different stitch patterns. The next time I knit this cowl (and I will be knitting this again), I'll be using a yarn with less color variations.  Some of the stitch design gets lost with the dark and varying colors of this particular wool. This cowl would make a great holiday gift if you feel like starting early and most ...


My Weekend daytrip to visit my daughter and son in law in Newark DE lots of car riding and car knitting! driving through country towns passing Amish buggies homemade lunch gathered around a table shopping! talking, laughing, walking the impossible elusive selfie all the family together my husband is really happy, really (maybe not in the mood for a photo?) ramen noodle soup dinner slurpie good how was your weekend?

Catch My Breath

These days have been elusive and speedy, especially this past week.  Our son has been home on his spring break and I've been on the go every single day.  I'm either at the gym, at babysitting or out shopping with him.  The week has been bursting with activity. I'm happy to be doing lots of stuff with him, the years are numbered for when he graduates with his PhD and who knows where he will land when he gets his first job.  So I wake up, try to do my best with whatever pressing household chores that need to be done and then I'm off on adventures.  Next week will be quite dull and I can catch my breath and resume my creative pursuits.  Even though the snow is still here, doesn't it feel like spring?  Sort of?  Maybe?  I think it does.  The sunshine is at a different angle, the birds are starting to sing in the morning and we change the clocks this weekend!  My body has already started the time change with waking up at 4...

Knitting News

Can you believe this is Ash Wednesday?  I cannot.  Time is flying by! I finally decided on a fingering weight cardigan using more of my quince and co wool in my stash.  I fell in love with the delicate yoke detail and the simple edging for the body and the sleeve cuffs.  I cast on over the weekend and as you can see, I have a ways to go for some progress. I am thrilled to have another sweater on the needles! My socks are slow going but isn't the color way beautifully subtle?  I keep thinking that I can't see the colors change unless I knit awhile and then I see it.  Sitting and knitting in a well lit room helps see the colors as well.  I have three books going as the same time- The first one is   House Rules by Jodi Picoult, I'm having a hard time getting into the book.  I fear the problem is reading this book before I fall asleep so maybe I'll be reading during the day to see if this helps. The second book is A Quie...


My Weekend celebrating husband's birthday - all the kids arriving for the weekend awaiting an impending snowstorm - flurries off and on carrot cake - chocolate - yarn winding settling on a new sweater pattern (yay!) - tons of laundry tons of dishes - a wintry walk with Frodo and family hot tea in a favorite mug - planning the busy week ahead creating a snowstorm-back-up plan for the week How was your weekend?

Meditative Stockinette Stitch

Holly bats the elephant off the table daily, she tries to bat the metal sheep but it takes more effort  I had another one day work week instead of two days.  Usually I treat my unexpected days off as 'fun' days and do whatever I want.  This time around I treated the day as a 'work' day and did my continuing ed online.  I read a bunch of research papers then took tests online to receive credit.  I passed all five tests and the entire day was frittered away.  I'm thrilled to report I'm done with continuing ed until August (a self imposed deadline). If you are wondering or are a new reader, I'm maintaining my speech pathology certification just in case a dire circumstance requires me to really really work. new book read I'm mulling over the next sweater to cast on.  I'm getting close to a decision, but while I'm thinking about it I'm enjoying my two projects that are short term.  I'm leaning towards a fingering weight cardiga...

Knitting News

My knitting news is fast and furious.  So grab a cup of tea, sit back, relax and enjoy the knitting round up!  First off is my son's blanket and the steady progress I'm making on it.  I work on this project right before bed knowing that I can keep the simple stitch repeat going while watching TV without mistakes. The next project is my cowl  that does take some concentration and so I cannot read and knit at the same time.  The pattern and the variety of stitch designs I get to explore make this a fun knit.  I highly recommend the pattern. I started a pair of socks with some yarn I received as a Christmas gift.  I should have a pair of socks on the needles all the time for my grab and go project for babysitting duty.  I don't need to think much when I knit my memorized generic sock pattern that is burned into my memory. My last project is the wurm hat .  I've made this hat around nine or ten times.  And yes, I c...